Saturday, April 06, 2013

Cleaning The Clutter Of My Life......Plus Some Art Card Designs

 Before I get to the clutter part of my life, I did make a couple of new art cards a while back.  The "Butterfly Garden" card above was created from the original painting below (with Chris's help cropping and sizing everything).  I'm very happy with the way this one turned out.

Chris had to do a bit more work on the "Bearded Iris Garden" card because the original painting below was a big square and he was trying to change the shape while keeping as much of the main subject as possible.  I would love to get these art cards (including all that I did before this) photographed and onto ETSY but I just don't think that is going to happen at this point.  Seems like too much to get done for now and this kind of thing can wait until the upcoming months.

With just over 2 months until we leave West Point, I have some clutter and garbage to remove from my life.  For me, the worst possible thing would be to not bother with it now and have the movers pack all my trash, with me having to throw it all away when I get to Orlando.  I'm trying to avoid that so I've been working in my messy studio above to go through everything, recycle what I can, throw away what I don't need and just organize what I'm taking with me to make it easier to pack.  I tackled the messiest part of the room this week, the area to the left of my desk that is actually not in this photo.  It is all clean, organized and ready to go....I was able to get rid of a ton of junk from this area.  Going through everything I found things I hadn't seen in years, things I wondered why I didn't throw away long ago and many items that gave me the "so that is where it has been all this time" moment.

Dudley of course kept me company through the whole thing and I think was standing there in awe of my finally having done the stuff I should have done a long time ago.  He by the way offered no help with this task what so ever but did stop long enough to pose for the camera.


  1. Wow, Dudley is gorgeous, what a pretty little man he is. We have a pretty little man ourselves, Arlo, and he is a main coon kitty. Love that man of ours. I know what you mean about clutter ... our home is just not big enough and no room for two studios (my daughter's and mine) so we have stuff everywhere. And since I not only create my fairy girls but also am a mixed media, altered art, assemblage artist and we have to collect all kinds of stuff in order to someday use them in our creations. Aimee has been creating some fabulous jewelry but will be getting into her prints as well. Anyway, it's been getting warmer here and I'm sure it will be nice and hot like you like in when you arrive.

    Love and Light,

  2. Hi Ruth, Sweet Dudley is a doll. How nice to have his company while you sort out your stuff. Oh Ruth I know this journey too well and I can appreciate what you are going through to prepare for your big move.
    Love your cards. Simply gorgeous my friend. Your hubby did a great job of cropping them to size. Hallmark may be right around the corner.
    Have fun with the moving process. Best wishes always my friend.
    Hugs, CM

  3. Hi Ruth,
    These paintings are so perfect for cards! I love how the colors give off a happy vibe!

    Good luck with purging in the office. You are definitely smart to start conquering this now. It will certainly reduce your stress from the actual move.

    Dudley is very photogenic. My animals offer me no help either! But they make me laugh so it is ok.
    Have a great week!

  4. I moved way too much junk with me 12 years ago and I'm stilling going through it. You've made the right decision. Wishing you and you husband much happiness in your new home.

  5. Hi Ruth!!!

    Oh goodness, you are moving to Orlando? I have so many questions for you. Little Dudley is so cute keeping you company. Your sunroom studio looks pretty to me, not cluttered. But I know you'll miss your flower garden. I guess this means Chris is retiring? I wish you much happiness in Orlando and I'll just bet you'll have a beautiful studio in your home down there too.

    Best wishes....Dorothy

  6. Hi Ruth,
    Best wishes and good luck with your move to Florida. Sounds exciting to move to a warmer climate where there will be lots of new inspirations for your art. Love your new cards.
