Saturday, April 27, 2013

First Day Of Spring.....

My newest painting was finished this past week, my last one for a while.  My studio is being cleaned, sorted through and boxed up over the next week or so.  It is amazing how much junk I found and also located things I've been looking for as well.  Too many art supplies and too little time I guess.  I probably will not be getting back to painting until July as we'll have things to do on our new house that we want to take care of right away (to actually make sure we do them) and also, we want to spend some time driving around and doing things in our new area, to get to know everything and have a bit of fun as well.

Last week we finished all the odds and ends in the basement and I stumbled upon a bit of a surprise. 
I found our old coffee table buried under a pile of boxes that had accumulated over it through the years ( I knew about the boxes so that was no shock ) but the coffee table had quite a pile of nuts on it.....yes, nuts and nuts mean that there was a squirrel in my basement at some point enjoying a meal.  I'm so glad he left before I could run into him down there, I would have screamed my head off.  We're leaving NY for Orlando on June 12 and while most of the work is done, there are still some things to sort through.  Hopefully no more squirrel surprises though.....yuk.

Anyway, this little chickadee is 6" x 6" on gallery canvas and the bird, tree and greenery are all done with stucco for extra texture. 


  1. Hi Ruth,
    Oh I love your sweet chickadee. This is a gorgeous painting. As always your work is incredible.

    What a surprise to see the nuts and know you had a squirrel in the basement. I would scream my head off too. They are cute outside, but not so much indoors, plus they do so much damage!

    Well my friend, you are close to the move now and I wish for you all things to go smooth while you make your transition to your new home. It will be a fun adventure and I know just how you feel and how much has to be done first. I have been there so many times.

    I'll be thinking of you and will miss you till your back up and blogging again.
    Sending a big hug and best wishes.
    your friend,
    Celestina Marie

  2. Ruth, just wanted to let you know I'll be away from blogging for a while ... my 38 year old daughter had a heart attack last week ... we are working together to make her well and have to get some health coverage so she can take her life saving prescriptions.

    Love always,

  3. Hi Ruth,
    I love the sweet chickadee! The blues surrounding this little guy are wonderful!

    How exciting that your move is so close! I can not imagine how stressful it is to move many states away. At least the packing will help you purge the excess you have lying around!

    A squirrel in the house? Yikes! That is an odd critter to come inside! I find them very cute and fun to watch but certainly would not one in my house!
    Have a wonderful week ahead.
    ~Val :)

  4. Hi Ruth, thank you for stopping by. How's the packing going? I know how busy you are.
    Have fun,
    Hugs, CM
