I've just been looking through all my different blog categories and cannot believe that I've never shown these two pieces before. This I suppose is what happens after you've written over 100 posts, you start to think you've shown work that you actually never have.

Ostrich eggs are so much fun to work with, first of all, they are huge and very sturdy to hold. The above egg measures 7" x 5.5" and I think, would be very hard to brake.

I used lots of gold and silver on this piece and went with a dragonfly and leaf design. I also added clear Swarovski crystals floating all around the design.

My Red Rose turkey egg, painted with a full, open red rose. I fashioned a hanger for this egg out of pink Swarovski crystals. I've had roses on the brain lately, I'm working on a red , red roses ceiling tin at the moment. I've also been working on a new Emu egg jewelry box (this one has nothing to do with roses) with the theme of little blue birds. I'm recoving this week from a nasty case of the flu so it feels like I'm just getting back to work and into some new projects as well as working on some special orders for some friends here in blog land. I should be showing some of my new pieces soon.
I love the gold and silver egg! Stunning!
Hi Ruth, hope you are feeling better soon. Nasty thing, the flu. Gorgeous work, I especially love the red rose egg.
cheers, Coll :-}
Ruth hope you feel much better soon, the flu can be quite debilitating. Beautiful rose you have painted though, love the rich colours. Get well soon!
Jenn and Jacqui
Ruth...your egg art never stops amazing me. It's beautiful everytime I see it...breathtaking!
Ruth get yourself better... dont over do it right away... you dont want a relapse.. glad you are starting to feel your creative self...
I love that gold egg with the leaves and the dragonfly...
Getting cold here and expecting a storm..
Hi Ruth...really love your Dragonfly egg. The colors and the organic feel to it are beautiful.
How'z those cutie pie pups of yours doing today?:) Have a nice weekend!
Hi Ruth, Love the eggs, especially the gold and silver together.
Hope you're feeling better.
Beautiful Eggs Ruth! I love the dragonfly one! I can't wait to see your bluebird jewelry box. That sounds wonderful!
Hope you feel 100% soon!
Beautiful Ruth....just beautiful and so glad you are on the mend. That flu mess is no fun.
hi Ruth, I love these eggs, especially the rose!!! I have a few myself that my Grandmother painted up for me...they are so lovely.
Siobhan xo
These eggs are STUNNING Ruth, you've done a wonderful job with them, I particular like the gold and silver patterened one, mind you the rose is just gorgeous too!
Sorry to hear you've had the flu...hope you are feeling better soon. Both eggs are just beautiful! Can't wait to see your new pieces!
Beautiful as always.I sure hope you get over the flu completely..it sure can zap the energy out of you!hugs NG
Good Morning Ruth!
I hope you are feeling much better!
I LOVE the eggs! it is amazing how you can use a round, delicate surface as your canvas! If I tried to do that, it would just roll right off my table. :)
Thank you for your nice comments about Gilbert and Emmitt. I think they would get along fine, but I don't let them interact too much. I think gilbert might actually bite Emmitt. As you can see from the photo shoot, Emmitt was a little bit afraid of Zippy, my lovebird. I always said, I could teach the dog not to touch the bird, but I could not teach the bird, not to bite to sweet doggy. Poor Emmitt. :)
What gorgeous eggs. You have outdone yourself! They are stunning. I always love visiting here and seeing what you are doing... so inspirational for me.
Charm & Grace
Hi Ruth
So sorry to hear that you've been sick. I hope you're feeling better. Your eggs are just beautiful!!! There is an ostrich farm about 30 miles south of us. You can buy eggs, ostrich meat and other things there. It's amazing to see so many ostrichs' in one place.
I'm getting close to finishing up a certain birdhouse that I think is going to make you very happy!!!
Feel better soon my friend!!!
Hope you're on the road to recovery - I had the flu once and thought I was going to die!
You always amaze me with your stunning art! I love the first egg -the gold and silver and crystals oh my - it's just stunning!
Hi Ruth! Your eggs are adorable. Glad to hear you are feeling better..something wicked is going around these parts too. Thanks for dropping by and taking part in the survey!~xo
I hope you are feeling better Ruth. The eggs are very unique and beautiful. Get well soon.
WOW Ruth.. they are beautiful! I'm glad you finally showed them to us :)
Hugs! Jen
Thanks so much ladies, I appreciate all your comments.
I'm feeling much better now, just trying to get rid of this persistant cough but other then that, I'm really on the mend and getting back to normal.
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