Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Duck Egg Collection

I had some egg orders to paint last week and as it turns out, it is easier to paint multiples of a design, rather then one at a time.

These are all duck eggs with the exception of the Hummingbird pin with the ribbon, that is a goose egg shell. It happened to be lots of fun taking photos of them in a grouping as well, as you would see them if they were in a collection.

The Little Spring Blue Bird has been very popular on pins and turkey eggs so I thought he deserved a duck egg of his own so he could really go on desplay.

Likewise for the Hummingbird, I was doing a custom order for a pin so I thought I might as well paint him on a duck egg as well.

Just last week I got in an order of these great acrylic stands. They hold the duck egg beautifully and altogether, make a beautiful display.

I also painted a couple of rose eggs as they have been popular on pins and duck eggs alike. This way I will have a couple in stock. I'm slowing getting them all listed on my ETSY shop today.

Next post I'll be showing a watercolor that I started months ago and had put down for awhile. You've probably long forgotten about it by now. I finished it just yesterday though and I'm pleased with the way it turned out.


A wildlife gardener said...

You are one vey talented lady, dear Ruth...not sure which is my favourite as they are all so good, but maybe, just maybe the roses :)

NeereAnDear said...

They are really pretty Ruth .... I love them in a group as it makes a stunning vignette..

Each is beautiful alone also..




Anonymous said...

They are ALL so fabulous but I love, love, love the rose one!


Archie and Melissa said...

Hi Ruth!
I LOVE all of the egss! The birds are my absolute favorite!
Beautiful work!

Gail McCormack said...

Hi Ruth
I love your eggs, each and everyone has it's own special character, beautifully done!!

Sandra Evertson said...

Love them all, especially the humming bird!
Sandra Evertson

Alicia ~ Time Worn Style said...

Ruth, these eggs are just so sweet. I think I love the little bluebird the best!!
alicia ~ time worn style

Mosaic*Queen said...

I LOVE the way they look all together!! Just LOVELY!!!! You are so talented Ruth!!!



S said...

Hi Ruth,
Love your duck egg...they are so sweet! You really do a fantastic job of them.
Siobhan xo

Naturegirl said...

Simply gorgeous..the details blow me away! You do good work my dear!! What a labor of love you show us..and the stands are perfect! sunkissed in Arizona NG said...

Beautiful, they are heirlooms:) Rachael

Linda O'Neill said...

They look so beautiful together, Ruth! I love the Hummingbirds!

Alice Regan said...

Hi Ruth...I always love seing your painted egg art. It always amazes me how beautiful your creations are. I think the rose is my favorite. You are truely blessed to be so very talented! You are an inspiration.

Cape Cod Washashore said...

Those are truly beautiful, Ruth! I am particularly fond of the one with the roses, but all the birds are just stunning! =)

Donna said...

Beautiful Ruth! I especially love the hummingbird. You do wonderful work, and those little stands are great!
Have a nice weekend!

kari and kijsa said...

Beautiful job! We love the way these look, and the acrylic stands are perfect!!

kari & kijsa

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

Wow, really really gorgeous, ruth!

The hummingbird is so adorable!

Ruth Welter said...

Thanks everyone for your sweet comments on the duck egg art.

Suzanne said...

Beautiful Ruth! I really love the rose paint the best roses!

Janet L Christian said...

Wow those eggs are amazing!

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

What a lovely collection Ruth. I love the one with the roses but the one with the hummingbird is great too and the one with the bluebird is great and ....... oh well, I like them ALL!

BTW those acrylic stands are neat!