Thursday, May 22, 2008

Climbin' Clematis

I thought I would show some photos of my Clematis in bloom. I've got all 3 colors of this climber in my back perennial garden. This lavender Clematis is quickly becoming a favorite. I planted it last year after we moved and it certainly has gotten larger this year and rewarded me with many lovely blooms.

My white Clematis was also just newly planted last year and is the smallest of the 3 climbers but it has produced some beautiful white blooms for me this year.

My dark purple clematis moved with me last year. I have had it for many years and it is a real favorite of mine. It has really doubled in size this year and I have no idea why. I have noticed a very large difference in the soil here, as compared to where I lived before. Mind you, this is just up the street from where I lived but for some reason, the garden is exploding into something bigger and better blooming then it ever was before. It is almost like there are steroids in the soil.

Enjoy the blooms!!!


NeereAnDear said...

oh Ruth.. what lovely lovely flowers...I adore clematis... I wanted to get some for here but decided against it since we are renting but may have to change my mind....

Hope you have a fabulous weekend...




How pretty! I know that you must be truly enjoying these blooms. Just gorgeous in fact!


S said...

Ruth....these are wonderful!!! I so love the Clematis and yours are simply stunning!!! Thanks for sharing.


Paula B. said...

your photos are stunning! I love clematis, but have so much shade around our house and yard that I don't think it will do well, so I just have to admire other's beauties. Thanks for sharing!

Charm and Grace said...

Wow... stunning! Are these all yours? If so, what a blessing to have such beauty around you. The photos are fabulous.


Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

You are another Clematis fan I see Ruth, Such lovely blooms, especially the pink one. Monet has loads of clematis in hs garden too, sensible man that he was. ;-)

Have a lovely weekend and pop over if you want to spend a short holiday in France.

Gail McCormack said...

Ruth I always love looking at your flower photos, you certainly seem to capture the wonderful colours and textures. Lovely to see photos of some of my favourite plants taken from the other side of the world said...

Beautiful, its our turn for winter now so its a bit bleak looking here. I'm having a party, come visit! Rachael

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Ruth, your clematis is gorgoues. I love the purple. You have a green thumb. Really enjoyed seeing these blooms!!
Have a great Memorial Day!
la rea rose

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Ruth your Clematis are beautiful! I love all of the colors. I am glad to hear that they transplant well, because we might want to move one of ours...

Lynn said...

What beautiful Clematis, I had a purple one once but they don't seem to do well in my garden, could be the clay soil we have. So I am not growing a climbing hydrangea another favorite of mine and it is doing really well.
I can see where your inspiration for painting comes from :)

Suzanne said...

These are so pretty Ruth, will you using these for inspiration on your next painting? Sadly, our clematis didn't survive the winter...or maybe it had something to do with it being planted so close to our outdoor grill?! :)

Mosaic*Queen said...

I wish I could grow Clematis. It's just too hot here. :-(
Your Clematis is just beautiful!



Anonymous said...

Hi Ruth, I had a clematis that did so so where it was planted. I moved it 2 years ago and it just exploded. It had so many blooms on it this Spring it was impossible to count them. I also planted a dark purple one last Fall near the white one and it too is doing great. I guess they both like their new home. Congratulations to you too on being in Dianne's book.