Friday, May 30, 2008

Some News And Front Yard Plantings

We're featured in a book!

I'm happy to say that if all goes as planned, my artwork will be featured in the above book by Dianne Zweig. The book is called "Hot Cottage Collectibles For Vintage Style Homes" and it will be out this fall. I'm really thrilled to have been picked to be in this book, it is the first time my work has been featured in a publication and I couldn't be happier about it. Now I just have to learn to sit tight until the book comes out.

Ok, back to the garden, about 3 weeks ago I planted my front yard Geraniums, my favorite summer annuals. I actually bought some varieties I never had before, Cascade Geraniums & Scented Leaf Geraniums. I Miracle Grow the annuals once a weeks so they will get really huge and I will take more photos of them as they grow bigger in the upcoming weeks. I'll also get some nice close ups of the Scented Leaf Geranium in has the most beautiful leaves.

I bought this little wagon that I have in front of the Azalea bush, a couple of years ago on the internet and I really love it. I've also planted 2 Flower Carpet Roses, my favorite kinds due to their beautiful abundant blooming nature and resistance to disease . I just planted them so they are small for the time being but next year, they will be huge, like the ones I have in my back garden. They have gotten so big, I just had to trim them back so they don't take over.

Remember the gorgeous birdhouse I bought a few months ago from my blogging friend Michelle over at , well here it is all set up and looking absolutely beautiful I might add, in the front of my house. If you haven't visited Michelle's blog, check it out, she does beautiful work and you can click right through from there, to her website.
The planter boxes were made by my husband years ago from a fence that was demolished by a falling tree. They are filled with the variety of Geraniums, Vinca Vine (I love that vine) and spikes and are again surrounded by 3 Flower Carpet Roses. I plan to also plant a climbing vine on the birdhouse pole this summer as well, I think it will really be the finishing touch.

This is the view from my front porch and shows the side and back of my birdhouse. That is all the news for today...I hope everyone has a great weekend out in some beautiful weather.


NeereAnDear said...

RUTH Congratulations!! I imagine that must be so exciting to know you are going to be in print!! And your art will be in print!!Will be looking for it to hit the stores this fall

I so love your flowers that you planted... dont you love when they start to get full and lush? Geraniums are one of my favorites too... I have rainbow geraniums... they are so pretty and a lovely coral color



NeereAnDear said...

Oh my word I forgot to mention the birdhouse ... its stunning!!

Michelle really outdid herself!!



S said...

Congratulations on being featured Ruth, well done!

Love your garden, it is going to be bursting with beautiful colours soon! Cant wait to see it all when your plants establish themselves. Oh and your birhouse is lovely! :)


Archie and Melissa said...

Congratulations Ruth!
How exciting!
Your flowers are beautiful!
Have a wonderful weeeknd!
:) Melissa

Jean said...

Finally catching up with my visiting. Congrats on the magizine article! All your plantings look great. The birdhouse is awesome. Join us on Bloomin' Tuesday with some of your lovely garden pictures.

Charm and Grace said...

Wow, you are pretty sneaky. :-) You managed to find my new blog and comment almost before I blinked! That was really sweet of you. Love, love the flowers that you have planted and can't wait to see them as they grow!



Lovely! Congratulations on the magazine article. It all looks so pretty!


Gail McCormack said...

CONGRATULATIONS Ruth, very well deserved!!
You've both done a wonderful job in the garden

Celestina Marie said...

Congratulations Ruth on the feature spot. Your work is gorgeous! I love your garden plantings. Geraniums are my favorite annual to plant as well. They do really well here in our Texas heat!
The birdhouse looks great in that spot too. See you again soon.
la rea rose

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Hi Ruth! Congrats on being in that wonderful book (I am in it too!).

Your garden looks so beautiful. I love that little cart out front...

Mosaic*Queen said...

Congrats Miss Ruth!!!!!!!!
AND.........I am so happy to see your birdhouse mounted in your garden!!!!!!! It looks wonderful with all of your beautiful plantings!!
Hugs to you!!!


Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

Ruth, your garden is really lovely!

Congratulations on the book! What a thrill!


Donna said...

Congratulations, Ruth! How exciting to be featured in a magazine.

Your garden looks lovely (I may have to get some of those roses you mentioned). The bird house is perfect!


Alicia ~ Time Worn Style said...

Congratulations Ruth on being published :0)) Your garden is looking divine too, blooms all round for you!
ALicia ~ time worn style
PS. your blog is looking lovely, sorry I havent been to visit for a bit!

Ruth Welter said...

Thanks so much everyone.

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

How wonderful that your work is going to be featured in this book, Ruth. Congratulations and lots of patience my dear. ;-)

Your front garden is looking good, I like the planter boxes your hubby made for you and that birdhouse is too cute for words. Mus check Michelle's website out.

Happy gardening and creating!

Suzanne said...

Gorgeous front yard and porch Ruth!
But "wow"!, how exciting to be in a publication! Congratulations!

Catherine Holman said...

Congratulations Ruth! I'm sure you are waiting on pins and needles until this book comes out. Your paintings are lovely. I love the pink roses. I would love to see your carpet roses in your backyard because I've been thinking about ordering some. By the way, your yard is beautiful!

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

Congratulations on your first publishing! That is so exciting!! Love all the beautiful flowers in your garden!

Dorothy said...

Ruth, your garden is so pretty. It is so inspiring to me. You have the nicest ideas, your garden sure reflects your artistic side.
And congratulations on being in the new book! That is wonderful news and I am thrilled for you!!!
You're on your way and it's well deserved!!!