A fellow blogging friend, Catherine Holman (a wonderful folk artist ) over at
http://www.catherineholmanfolkart.blogspot.com/ , asked to see my Flower Carpet Roses because she was thinking of getting some. This morning I ran out before it was too hot and miserable to snap some photos of the roses as well as a couple lily pictures and overall shots.

A shot of some of my Pink Flower Carpet Roses after getting refreshed by the sprinkler this morning.

This is a view of the whole bush.

This particular rose is more of a hot pink. I also just purchased some yellow ones (for the front yard ) and they are very fragrant. The ones I just planted out front are small as they are not established yet and they are in my May 30th post.
These wonderful roses bloom like crazy from spring to frost and are extremely disease resistant as well. They have been wonderful for me, such easy care and lots of beauty. When they do get a touch of black spot, they are able to shrug it right off and just keep going and looking beautiful.

A perennial overview of my back yard. From front to back - Flower carpet Roses, Coreopsis, Yarrow, Hydrangeas, Coneflowers (white, purple & orange), Black Eyed Susans, Bearded Iris, Clematis (purple, lavender & white), lilies (asiatic & oriental) and in the very back, starting to grow quite tall, my perennial Hibiscus (a favorite of mine).

One last Flower Carpet bloom.

The first of the Lilies opening up.

Many more just waiting to burst open.
Love the carpet roses! Everything looks wonderful. Can't wait to see it all in bloom. You should come over and add your post to the Bloomin' Tuesday Mr Linky!
Well now thank you. I didn't know the roses growing by my front walk are called carpet roses. Last week they had hundreds of pink blooms on them. It was so pretty....then the storms messed them all up. Happy Tuesday Ruth ~ Lynn
Thanks Ruth! They are just beautiful. I will definitely have to get some. I just was afraid they might get too tall. Thanks for the link! Your gardens are beautiful!
My daughter in law started me on the flower carpet roses. Love how they fill in at the feet of taller bushes.
Aren't roses wonderful plants! You enjoy them in New York. I enjoy them in Southern California.
Warmest Regards-
Thanks Lydia, Lynn & Jean..
Catherine, they really are great roses to grow, so easy care and prolific and most importantly to me, disease resistant.
Good Morning Ruth!
I love your garden. I have been thinking about getting some carpet roses too. Yours look lovely. I am interested in the yellow ones..I will have to go hunt some down..
Oh so beautiful the roses are!!! I know that you must love having these.
Just Lovely Ruth!!!!!!
So pretty Ruth!! I love the carpet roses as they drape... anything that drapes is a favorite with me... I also like the colors ... very vibrant... now I want to go out and buy me some more floers... the front yard is a sorry sight ... not much of anything out there... I do most of my planting on my deck as its easier to move when I do
But I need to make the front a bit more presentable...
Beautiful! I've always wanted to put in some carpet roses. You have inspired me to perhaps try a few.
Your lilies are spectacular!
Have a great weekend!
Hello Ruth, your garden is beautiful, love the carpet rose. It is our turn for bleak winter gardens:( Rachael
I love the carpet roses, Ruth! I think I might have to plant some, they're beautiful. Your lilies are beautiful too!
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful gardens and flowers, Ruth.
How do the carpet rose differ from the old-fashioned roses that are often planted at old homesteads? Are they the same? They look similar to me so I was wondering.
My flowers are trying bravely to flourish in the midst of our cold spring and the shock of snow in June.
But my gardens are soooo far behind yours.
lovely lovely lovely! If you ever need another garden to care for... (hint! hint!) :)
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