I'm still enjoying my vacation and my time off as well. I really like to use this time to recharge and get inspired. I know I've shown you lots of photos of Mohonk Mountain House before (in my out and about section) but today I'm viewing it in a different way. We were there for part of the afternoon and I was running around, armed with my new camera. I decided this time, rather then get so many landscape photos, I would really get up close and personal with a lot of the flowers there. There are too many for one post so some of them will have to wait until another day and in the mean time, I've picked some favorites. Lots of wonderful ideas for some future paintings in these photos.

This beautiful Purple Salvia *Fairy Queen*.

I was so close to this bee that I almost touched him with the camera. His wings looks like beautiful stained glass panels.

Up close and personal with a yellow Lily.

My birthday was this past week and when I saw this beautiful picket that my blog friend Gail McCormack painted, I had to have it as my birthday present.

I nestled it in with a floor standing vase of Pussy Willows that fill a corner in my diningroom . It just looks so pretty in there and I get to admire it each time I go from the livingroom to the kitchen.

It is such a unique piece and I'm very thrilled with it.....THANKS GAIL!!! If you would like to stop by Gail's blog and say hello and view her beautiful artwork, here is her address:
http://www.gailmccormack.blogspot.com/ .

Back in the garden, I was able to photograph a lot of different Foxglove but this was my favorite, Foxglove (Digitalis) *Camelot Lavender*

I got so close I felt like I could almost crawl inside.

Last of all, this beautiful pink Zinnia captured my attention.

Hope you've enjoyed this mini tour.
hi ruth!
happy belated birthday! your flowers photos are amazing!
you are so talented! you create beautiful art even on vacation!
wonderful ~
Hi Ruth
I love the contrast of the yellow flowers with the lavender colours, I'm looking forward to seeing what inspirational artwork you create from the photos
I'm so pleased you found such a perfect spot for the fence picket - thanks Ruth
For my first time I just visited palace gardens in Sweden and Denmark and experienced some magnificent flowers and gardens. Your photos remind me of my trip there.
Ruth, your up close photos of those flowers are just stunning! Thank you for taking me along with you on this adventure!
Love your picket fence panel by Gail!
Hi Ruth, I hope you had a very special Birthday!! Your vacation pictures are wonderful and what painting inspirations for you. I can just see your creative wheels turning. The hand painted fence picket is really gorgeous. It looks wonderful in the floor vase!
Enjoy your time off and thanks for stopping by. Always great to see you!
Hugs, Celestina
la rea rose
Beautiful up close and personal flower pictures, Ruth! They are gorgeous.
Love the painted picket fence, how cute!
Hi Ruth, happy belated birthday. You are so lucky to have a piece of Gails work. As always your photos are fantastic. Rachael:)
The bee photos is so pretty! You seem to really be enjoying your new camera~ :)Happy Birthday!
Ruth.... simply gorgeous photos.... cant wait to see some of your new creations as I am sure you will be adding many from what I see of these pics...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY whenever it was or is....
Great present you gave yourself...
Isnt Gails work awesome?
The flowers are so pretty; I especially like that purple salvia!
Oh, that picket fence painted by Gail is so beautiful!! :)
Beautiful pictures Ruth! Thanks for sharing the beauty,
Hi Ruth!
Your new camera is capturing some fabulous details in those WONDERFUL flowers!!!!!!!!!
Happy Belated Birthday My Friend!!!
Hi Ruth. Your photo's are beautiful. It's so nice to take time off from work to enjoy the sights and sounds of summer. I bought a new camera (a larger one) a couple of months ago and almost gave away the little camera I had been using but decided to keep it since it fit so well into my pocket or purse. Hope you had a wonderful birthday and keep enjoying your vacation.
I have a black and white shitzu "Max", Max A. Million.
My father grew up on a farm in Poughkeepsie, so I visited my grandparents there a lot and still to this day love the Hudson River Valley.
Glad you like my artwork.
Gorgeous salvia's..a fav flower of mine!! And love the picket, its beautiful~'Happy Belated~Birthday!'
Also love the foxgloves~especially the capture with the blue sky in back..beautiful! :)
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