Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Country Victorian Magazine - Artist's Feature

Pinch me so that I know I'm not dreaming this, I have an artist's feature on my vintage ceiling tins in the winter, 2009 addition of Country Victorian Magazine. Available in book stores on Sept 9th.... It is all I've thought of for months now but couldn't talk about until I actually saw that it was happening.

This has been a dream of mine, I cannot tell you for how many years I have dreamt of having my work featured in a home decor magazine. I remember it all started when Iwas first learning to paint many years ago....I would pick up decorating magazines and dream about the day that I perhaps could be in one. I'm quite thrilled to be in this edition of this very lovely magazine.

I probably cannot express quite how excited I am , lets just say....VERY EXCITED!! Harris Publications was such a pleasure to work with and I want to thank them for having me in one of their beautiful magazines, it really is an honor! I was also lucky enough to have my friend Kathryn Bechen , do the phone interview with me and write the article for this feature. You can click on the photo to get close ups and read the article. I'm off to my new home for the next few days atleast....Cloud 9.


NeereAnDear said...

OHHHHHH RUTH!!!!! I am so EXCITED FOR YOU!!!! I know how hard you have worked to get to get much well deserved recognition ... so not only are you in the vintage collectibles book but Counrty Victorian magazine!! CONGRATULATIONS and KUDOS to you for such a wonderful and well deserved feature!!

ONE of your many fans


JO said...

Oh Ruth, congratulations and so well deserved! Rachaelxo

Suzanne said...

Oh! Wow,Ruth!! I'm so excited for you! Your work looks lovely in print! :) I love the tiles that were chosen for the feature and you look so pretty sitting there, peacefully painting in your studio!
Wonderful interview too...thanks for letting us view it. And I'm sure Country Victorian is thrilled to have you as a featured artist! Stay on Cloud 9 for deserve it!

Gail McCormack said...

Very well deserved!!
Good on you - you have every right to be on Cloud 9!

Archie and Melissa said...

oh my goodness ruth!
i am so excited and happy for you!
i am going to get my copy tomorrow.
i am so proud of you!

Rhondi said...

Hi Ruth
Congratulations. That is so exciting! I know you must be thrilled! I've had a dream of being in a magazine someday too. Hugs, Rhondi

The Gathering Room said...

This is great! I love your tins..This is a well deserved honr for sure!

Catherine Holman said...

It was great to hear from you this morning and what a surprize when I visited your blog! Congratulations, it's well deserved!!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Ruth, OHHHHHHHH!! I am so very excited for you and happy that you are being featured. I am running to get the issue. You deserve this so much and it is only the beginning of more to come, I am sure of it. I bet you could have burst, waiting to share the news. I can relate to this~~~~~~!!!! Your work is wonderful. I wish you were near to sign my magazine!
hugs, Celestina
la rea rose

Anonymous said...

Hi Ruth,

Congrats on your wonderful article. It was great fun to write! Kathryn

Anonymous said...

Wow Ruth! Who knew that someday thru blogging I would meet all these famous ladies. Congratulations on being in the magazine and Dianne's book. I made Dianne's book too and just got my copy in the mail the other day. I haven't yet had the time to sit down and savor her book. ~ Lynn

Donna said...

Oh Ruth! I'm so excited for you! Congratulations. It's a wonderful article, and now I've got to go and get the magazine!


Mary said...

Congratulations!! What a thrill it must be to have such a nice recognition in such a lovely magazine! Enjoy the warm glow!! :) It's well deserved. Mary

Lynn said...

This is AMAZING!!!!!!! I am SO happy for you, and it is well deserved because you make such beautiful pieces of art for the home and have obviously worked hard at your craft :) Congratulations, and hey, stay on cloud nine for a while, enjoy the feeling.

Maggie said...

Congratulations!!! I must run out and pick up the magazine this weekend so that I can point to the article and say.... "I know who she is". Well done Ruth.

kari and kijsa said...

What a great feature!! We are celebrating our one year anniversary and wanted to thank you for being a special part of the past year!

kari & kijsa

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Ruth! I'm so happy and excited for you ... your art is beautiful and deserves to be featured everywhere! I'll be on the look out for this magazine.

Marilyn said...

Ruth, I am so thrilled for you! Can't wait to purchase the book. You certainly deserve this.

Mosaic*Queen said...

Yay!!!!!!!! You Go Girl!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!
I'm soooooo Happy for you!!!!
Hugs to you!


p.s. LOVe, love, love the Autumn tin too!!!!

Alicia ~ Time Worn Style said...

Ruth that is fantastic news, must see if I can track down a copy of that mag over her in Australia!! You are getting me more motivated now thanks for that too :0))
Alicia ~ time worn style

Paris Rags Romance said...

Hi Ruth! I was so happy to see you in the new issue! Lovely paintings, I bet your still on cloud nine! Hugs, Kimberly

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

Oh Ruth, how simply wonderful!!!! You see, dreams do come true. Congrats on such a beautiful feature of your work (and yourself, great pic!)in this magazine.

BTW how's the view from cloud 9? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Ruth, saw your comment at Suzanne's.

Congratulations on such a wonderful feature! That's so fantastic!! I'll have to get a copy this week.


Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Ruth I am so excited for you! Your art is so lovely and to have it featured in the wonderful magazine is just perfect! I am running right out and picking up a copy. I can just imagine your thrill!!!

S said...

Hi Ruth,

CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is fantastic, well done!!!


Charm and Grace said...

How wonderful, Ruth, and well-deserved. I am so happy for you. I am still not quite ready to come back from my break and over the past 2 weeks have only had internet access for one day. But I am enjoying catching up on reading what my blogging friends have been up to. I will have to look for this magazine. Congrats!!
