Friday, September 19, 2008

More Miniatures......

Remember a while back I did some work for the Worldwide Miniatures Club?? I've been doing some more miniatures this week.....I had an order for thimbles and for thread spools. I knew the thimbles would be the hardest because they are so small so, I painted the thimbles first.

The hardest to do was the little Hummingbird and I really thought that I might not be able to complete that one, I figured I would give it my best shot anyway. To my surprise, I was able to paint the hummer on this tiny surface. After this lot was completed, I really felt like I needed a good stiff cup of tea!!!

I had really wanted to show some beautiful butterfly pictures that I had taken last month but my computer is down at the moment and I'm afraid, all the photos I've taken are down with it. Hopefully it will be back up and running tomorrow once again and then I'll have access to all my photographs, in the meantime, I can at least use Chris's laptop. It has been one of those does that saying go.....when it rains it pours!!


Archie and Melissa said...

hi ruth!
oh my goodness! your thimbles are gorgeous!
i love them!

NeereAnDear said...

Ruth it amazes me that you are able to paint so well on such tiny little items... they are quite lovely

I am so glad to see that all your hard work is paying off



Gail McCormack said...

Very clever Ruth, like Jo I am amazed how you can paint so well on tiny items, not something I could do!

S said...

Very nice...I just love this idea!!! Well done.


Mosaic*Queen said...

Beautiful Work Ruth!!!!!! The small little details are AMAZING!

Donna said...

Hi Ruth,
Your little miniature thimbles are beautiful! I can imagine how hard it must be to paint something so small. They're just lovely!


Celestina Marie said...

Hi Ruth, your thimbles are lovely. Did I share with you, that before I lived in Texas I designed for a company in Ohio creating 100's of minitures? I am not so into doing any now. I guess I became burned out after 5 years and painted 100thousand in that time frame. Sore wrists for sure. LOL!!

I have passed on an award to you. Stop by when you can and pick up your display. I love your blog!!
Have a great day and blessings always.
la rea rose

Anonymous said...

These are so pretty, Ruth! I can't imagine painting anything so tiny!

I hope you get your computer up and running again ... it's so frustrating not being able to access what you need.
