On the weekend I was painting butterflies.....as you can probably guess, I'm longing for spring here and my painting projects were a wonderful way to take me out of the cold and get me thinking warm thoughts.

I've been painting in miniature again, more sand dollar pendants!!!

I actually really love to alternate painting on canvas or tin or whatever larger surface I'm working on at the moment, with painting in miniature such as eggs or pendants.

Someone recently asked me why I switch back and forth between projects and more specifically, different sizes of projects, rather then just say....finishing my Hydrangea Wreath canvas painting and then moving onto something else.

I love to alternate between painting projects because I feel it really gives my mind a change, a rest, a much needed break from things. It keeps me "fresh" on whatever larger project I'm working on at the moment...which right now is my canvas wreath. I guess I would say it allows me to step back and give myself much needed perspective on what I'm doing. This also gives me a mental break from constantly thinking about the same thing and I think, lets me step back and look objectively at my work and see what needs to be done next.

So this weekend I did a bit of both....some canvas painting and work on a few new butterfly miniatures. My dog groomer has suggested that I paint some cat/dog art pendants to sell in his shop so keep an eye out for those in the future. Today however, I'm off to paint some bugs in miniature!
Love your butterfly pendants and can't wait to see the bugs. It's funny how everyone's approach to painting is different. I have to finish a project before starting another because I would never go back and finish it later.
I am lovin' your pendents! Your hydrangea wreath is something else. Can't wait to see it finished.
PS ...I'm like you! I'm all over the map when it comes to working on projects. I have vowed this year to finish up most of my UFO's and to use up my stash!
Very lovely Ruth!! You know I love butterflies......AND bugs! :-)
These are very sweet Ruth. Also enjoyed your day trip photos. :) Kathryn
YES YES...make some dog art pendants!! :)
Your butterflies are beautiful and are a joy to look at.
Hi Ruth,
Oh my - the butterfiles are lovely.
Can't wait to see your next project - especially the dog pendants . . although I am looking forward to seeing your finished hygrangea wreath . . . and more orchids inspired by your orchid trip.
I was happy to hear that you like to work on more than one project at a time. . . .because . . I do the same thing. I tend to jump from one project to the other and also feel it keeps us fresh and never bored (although I do have lots of unfinshed canvses)!
Let's keep thinking Spring and it will soon be here.
Have a beautiful week.
Ruth how whimsical!! The butterflies seem to fly off the pendants...
I really like your idea and your medium... cant wait to see more of these creative pieces of art
I'm with you...I'm ready for spring too! Your butterfly pendants are so pretty, can't wait to see the bugs, I think? Lol!
Just beautiful Ruth!!
I don't have a great amount of room where I work, which means I need to finish each project I start before starting a new one, sometimes that's not a good thing as I tend to rush through things, they quite often lack the little finishing touches! Never mind
Love the butterfly pendants, Ruth! So original.
I think cat and dog pendants would be adorable!
Enjoy your day!
Awww...Ruth I have been away too long so many beautiful items..I love your Butterfly pendants..especially that Blue one~adorable!
And enjoyed seeing your painting from start to finish!
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