Whether you are an orchid collector or admirer, The New York Botanical Garden Orchid Show is a treat for the eyes each year. I took over 160 photos and the ones I've chosen are just too great in number to show in one post so, I'll have to break them up into groups in upcoming posts. The theme of this years show is Brazilian Modern. The above pond is in the entrace to the conservatory and the display always features different Orchids seeming to float in planters on the waters surface. This year, the beautiful mosaic art piece shown is being used as a focal point in the display.

A beautiful striped Phalaenopsis.

A lovely lavender corsage Orchid.

These beautiful cascading baskets are actually chandeliers (with lights) made from different varieties of purple Orchids. There were 4 of these beautiful pieces in the main display room. I would imagine they look gorgeous at night when they are lit.
I just emailed your blog site to a good friend who also grows and displays orchids in Florida .He is having surgery on the 30th and this article will be a good diversion for him to think about . These are lovely pictures.. Thanks for sharing your orchid show!
Oh Ruth.... I must say your photos truly capture the beauty of the orchids.... oh I cant say it enough.... I would be in heaven in a place like this.... so beautiful!!
I cant wait to see more of these gorgeous flowers.... the creativity of the people who run this show is amazing... an orchid chandelier.... STUNNING!!!
Ruth your photos are absolutely stunning!!
Thank you again for an enjoyable, inspirting post
Ruth, just beautiful!! Your pics are full or inspiration.
I have featured your sand dollar pendant on by blog. Stop by when you can.
Happy Spring,
Hugs, Celestina Marie
Stunning Ruth, I bet you get so much inspiration from visiting a show like that! Rachaelxo
BREATHTAKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I so wish I could visit this show. Wow! Thanks for sharing!
p.s. I tagged you....sorry ;-)
Orchids are so exotic and captivating...I'm so grateful for the beautiful photos of your visit. Especially the close-ups as I have a keepsake gift on the back-burner using the dendrobian. I am puzzling out how to translate this intricate flower into paper filigree, and your photos will be excellent visual references for me.
Really enjoyed your series of posts on the creative process throughout the hydrangea wreath project. Hope you will do more of these progress shots in the future!
Love your photos! That striped orchid is wonderful. :) Kathryn
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