If you remember, a few weeks ago I journeyed to Parkside Orchid Nursery in PA, one of my very favorite places to visit and shop. I had purchased 3 new Orchids that day and was waiting until they began blooming to show you my new finds. The above Oncidium Orhid is a new species that I am trying...it has 10 beautiful open blooms and loves a bright sunny window. I have just the right window for it in my sunroom ...I think it will enjoy living in the sunny spot I've chosen.

I also purchased this beautiful Phalaenopsis to fit in with my existing collection of this species.

I'm also trying my first Lady Slipper as well. This particular Orhid likes a shady or low light area....I have some of those windows too, this little guy should be happy where I put him.

One of the reasons I fell in love with this particular Lady Slipper was the gorgeous mottled foliage....it will look so pretty, even when the Orchid is not in bloom.

Rosy Tyke is a Phalaenopsis I've had for years and this little one has always been a wonderful bloomer for me. Blooming for about 2 months now, Rosy Tyke had originally produced 4 buds ...imagine my happiness at finding that this little Orchid was creating 3 more buds. Now this plant has a total of seven flowers currently open or in different stages of opening.

My large white Palaenopsis has been blooming for 2 months now as well...it is one of my largest Orchids and the flowers themselves are quite big when they are fully open.

Around the same time I noticed additional blooms forming on my little Rosy Tyke, I also noticed new buds on my large white Phalaenopsis. This beautiful plant produced 4 buds 2 months ago and then suddenly, I noticed 6 more forming, the first of which is just about to open now.

This is of course where the inspiration comes in.....being around so many Orchids in bloom made me want to start a new canvas painting...this time, I decided on an Orchid as my subject. This once again is gallery canvas measuring 14" x 18" and I'll be using acrylic paint for this piece. Here I've just finished my sketch....it is a bit hard to see at this point but below......

You can see I've decided to paint a Phalaenopsis Orchid. The subject is a lot easier to make out now that I've decided to make my background a striking black....which will be carried around to all four sides of this gallery canvas. No, I didn't paint in an ipod nano (in my favorite color purple no less), I just wanted to show my new studio assistant, that is why the nano is in the photo. Many weeks ago, Chris and I went out and purchased the purple nano I've been lusting over for longer then I can remember. While it may not seem like all that big of a deal, I've discovered something wonderful, something I never thought I would enjoy all that much.....AUDIO BOOKS!!! I've listened to several books already....it has been great to be able to read a book while I paint. Normally I cannot do both at once so to have this luxury is pretty wonderful. Listening to my favorite books while I work also helps me focus on what I'm doing, I don't feel as restless as I used too, I'm finding it helps me accomplish a lot more in each sitting.

Taking the nano away now, you can see I've started filling in the leaves. I decided to do the leaves, spike and roots first because at this point I had no idea what color I wanted the flowers to be. I felt that if I kept working, it would come to me and I would figure out what I wanted to do with them eventually.

I've used several different shades of green, applied in different ways, to achieve the leaves. I liked what I did so I once again went to my note book and wrote down what I used and how I applied the paint to achieve the look I wanted.

This photo shows the progression of the leaves getting done....little by little.

This photos shows the finished leaves, spike and roots. My large white Phalaenopsis has roots that grow up, down and all around the plant so I used that beautiful plant as a model for my root system in this painting. What color will the flowers be now??? I know what I've decided on but you will have to wait until next time to see what color I've chosen.
Hi Ruth!
I Love that you are using a black background. Wow!!! What a difference it makes!!! Sooooo Beautiful!!!!
I may take your advice and start listening to books on tape. Currently, I listen to tv shows on my computer that I've missed or I listen to news programs. It does help me to relax. Music doesn't seem to do it for me any longer, and I think it is because you've already heard many of the songs and you just start to tune them out. Anyway, I do like the idea of the books. Thanks for that!
hi ruth!
oh what an exciting painting! i love watching it spring to life!
you are amazing!
Those orchids are amazing...no wonder you feel inspired!
Can't wait to see the final painting!
The background should really make this one look dramatic when it is done. I love that you let us watch the progress.
Hi Ruth
as always I love following the progress of your paintings ~ I love the background of this one and am looking forward to seeing your next photos of the work in progress
Looks like another beautiful painting is on it's way!
These are incredible...I love the colors and can't wait to see the finished creation.
First, let me say I admire your green thumb! Those orchids are beautiful.
And your new orchid painting is going to be so striking! I love the black background, and whatever color you've chosen for the flower will be gorgeous on that backdrop.
I love the leaves, stems and roots...there is so much depth in them! Can't wait to see it completed.
Hi Ruth,
Oh! your new orchids are fabulous.
Your black background will really make the colors pop. I love watching your progression and seeing your inspirations and can't wait to see your completed painting.
Love your new "studio assistant" - especially the color - what a great idea to listen to books while you paint.
Have a lovely week,
Hi Ruth your Painting is blooming like a beautiful flower - will pop back over for further developments very soon
I know we share a love of bluebirds, but now I know we both love orchids, too. I have one white phal that has rebloomed for me. Now, you've temped me to try a lady's slipper.
Truly beautiful painting Ruth.... I so love the black background and cant wait to see the natural progression as you come along on this....
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