This is such a beautiful time here in NY and on the east coast......perennial gardens everywhere are waking up from their winters sleep. My perennial garden is bursting open with lots of happy green leaves, stems and buds to let me know the colorful blooms are not far away. I was outside this morning taking lots of photos and leafing through photos from last year so I can compare the garden as it is awakening now, to the garden in full bloom.

These are some of my Hydrangeas (one of my favorite flowers to paint) in full bloom.

These are my Hydrangeas from this mornings photographs. The green leaves are starting to emerge from their winters rest.


White &..................................

pink Clematis from last years photos.

My Clematis from this mornings garden adventure....the leaves and buds are emerging everywhere.

Lamb's Ear.....as you can see, bumble bees love this plant.

My Lamb's Ear is poking through the ground, showing me a glimpse of what is to come.

My Irises are a real favorite of mine and come mid May, they are in full bloom....purple and......

my favorite color Bearded Iris, PINK!! To me these wonderful flowers smell like the sweet tarts I used to eat when I was a kid.

A view of the Iris patch.

My Irises' leaves were standing nice and tall this morning....growing, growing, growing.

Som of my favorite June bloomers.......Lilies.

All in a wonderful array of colors, with the sweetest fragrances.

This morning the Lily collection was looking up toward the sun, trying to get bigger every day. I hope you've enjoyed my garden awakening and hopefully you are finding things to enjoy in your own yard as well. I took so many photos that the rest will have to wait until next time. Until then, ENJOY SPRING!!!
Isn't spring just wonderful! Looks like everything in your garden is popping out!
Have a great weekend, Ruth.
Hi Ruth,
Yeah - finally Spring has sprung where you live in New York.
Have a lovely week in your studio and garden.
I love to see the new buds of spring... a new awakening...
I love how you had a photo from last year and the rebirth of the garden for this year...
Spring is heading our way for sure...
I have a deck loaded with flowers waiting to be planted and I am getting excited about working on that throughout the growing season..
Cant wait to see yours in full bloom!!
Your yard is going to be filled with color soon! We are finally seeing some in ours too...it has been a long winter! Yea Spring! :)
hi ruth!
oh your flowers are amazing!
you are such a talented gardener and photographer!
Hi Ruth!
Love the Irish patch! I should add one of those to my garden (love getting fresh gardening ideas)! Soon the gardens will be filled with color!
No wonder you paint so many hydrangeas and irises...you have beautiful blooms to inspire you :)
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!! Each year that I get to see pics of your hydrangeas, I am soooo JEALOUS! They are wonderful! Too hot to grow them here.
Matter of fact, my flowers are feeling a bit heated at the moment as the temp somewhere around 100 degrees already.
Happy gardening!!
Wow, just gorgeous! You have my favorite there too...Hydrangeas. Too bad they don't do very well in Colorado though.
Love Clematis too...but Maisie seems to like to chew on the vines. I'll be lucky if our yard doesn't turn into one big mole hole with her!:)
Isn't it wonderful to see the garden coming to life again? You seem to be a little ahead of me but there's definitely some activity out there! The weekend is looking promising to get out and do some more cleaning up.
Your photos are stunning Ruth, how lucky are you to be looking forward to a beautiful garden full of wonderful flowers. We have winter rapidly approaching, although I don't think our winters over here are as cold as yours
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