Thursday, May 07, 2009

The Delicate Beauty Of Violas

I went to the NY Botanical Garden yesterday with my husband Chris to see the spring bulb show. The spring blooms were absolutely beautiful and the show did not disappoint, it was well worth the ticket price and provided me with some wonderful photo opportunities and a whole lot of artistic inspiration.

I will be showing more photos from this incredible show but decided today to focus on some of the sweetest and most delicate flowers I got to see there......Violas.

The garden had planted these beautiful blooms all throughout the exhibit and outside in the courtyard as well.

I was so inspired when I saw them, I decided I needed to paint them on canvas. I have the perfect little 6" x 8" gallery canvas sitting here in my house, waiting to be adorned with these delicate Violas.

I also fell so in love with them that I had to bring a couple of plants home for my sunny kitchen windowsill, that way I get to look at them each and every day.

I hope you've enjoyed looking at these lovely blossoms as much as I have and I hope they have inspired you in some way.

I'm still working away on my first pattern packet project and have found that creating the art was the easy part for me. The complicated aspect is going through my chicken scratched notes and creating something budding artists will be able to use and understand. This project was all inspired by a very special blog reader of mine from PA......but more on that when it is ready. I'm hoping to be done with it soon.

In the meantime, I hope you all have an inspiring weekend.


Betty Jo said...

Oh Ruth! What incredibly gorgeous photos. I so enjoyed this post. ♥

Beadin By The Sea said...

These are beautiful! I'm going to mix in some of these in my flower pots this year. I especially love the purple ones.

Catherine Holman said...

Hi Ruth,
Violas are one of my favorite flowers. They come back in my yard spreading each year in unexpected places like beautiuful flowering weeds! Good luck with your packet. I did those for years and completely understand how much work they are. I used to talk into a small recorder when I painted so that I didn't have to stop to write down the instructions.

S said...

I soooooo love violas!!!

Archie and Melissa said...

oh ruth!
these photos are amazing! have a wonderful weekend!

NeereAnDear said...


FABULOUS photos.... Violas are one of my favorites also as they just keep on blooming and spreading....

I can see why they are such a hit...

I love how you bring us such beauty vicariously through your blog...


Unknown said...

Ruth, thank you for sharing these images, some of my absolute favorite flowers to paint! and now I know what they are called. : )
pughugs from Texas...

Naturegirl said...

Ruth I can never get enough of the purple and lavender violas! A lovely series of Violas!

Suzanne said...

Beautiful photos! I can't wait to see your violas on canvas! Hope you are enjoying a wonderful is finally sunny here! :)

Donna said...

I love violas! Your photos are beautiful.

Good luck with your packet!


Linda O'Neill said...

Wow, such beautiful color! My irises are just about ready to pop...I'll have to post some pics when they do.

Have a lovely day, Miss Ruth.xox

Kathryn Bechen said...

Lovely photos Ruth. Kathryn

Gail McCormack said...

More spectacular photos to inspire some beautiful "Ruth" Original paintings!!

Déjà View Designs said...

I am completely blown away by your amazing talent! I especially love your ceiling tins! Absolutely gorgeous!