These next two weeks I'm on VACATION....Yah!!! I'll be leaving my painting studio to spend some time relaxing and taking some great trips along the way. I'll be bringing my trusty camera along to share photos with you of my adventures.

I thought we could take a little garden visit before I leave.....the theme with this post is entryways, which I think are so important to welcoming your guests and helping to create spaces you can enjoy. The above photos are from my front yard....that funny little sign in the first photo is an honor I just received last week. In my community, they give out yard of the month awards and I'm thrilled to say that I received this award for the month of July. The planter boxes were made by Chris from old fence posts. The planters are filled with Impatiens and other assorted annuals. Alongside the boxes I'm growing a Flower Carpet Rose and two Knockout Roses.

This equisite mosaic birdhouse was created for me by the extremely talented Michelle Legler over at :
http://www.mosaicqueen.typepad.com/ . It is no wonder her name is Mosaic Queen because her work stands alone in its beauty and creative design.

My front entryway has two beautiful Flower Carpet Roses surrounding a cart full of Impatiens.

The stairs are lined with pots and window boxes full of Impatiens that cascade over the sides.

My backyard perennial garden is producing lots of beautiful blooms after all the rain we've been having. The tall plants in the back are my perennial Hibiscus and come late July, they will be full of dinner plate sized blooms in all colors.

My back entryway is lined with a row of Hydrangeas and pots full of Geraniums, one of my favorite summer flowers.

I hope you've enjoyed the entryway tour. I'll be taking a little blogging break over these two weeks to enjoy my vacation and take lots of photos to share upon my return.
hi ruth!
oh have a wonderful vacation. this was a beautiful post. i love all of your photos!
m & e
Have a great vacation! And congrats on the garden of the month. It is very well deserved.
Ruth ...how lovely your garden is. I adore the mosaic birdhouse and your front steps! Very beautiful. Have a wonderful and relaxing vacation! Can't wait to see your travel photos.
Hi Ruth,
I loved the tour of your garden.
Hm, Your personalised bird house is terrific, if only I lived closer I too could order one.
Have a wonderful holiday, can't wait to hear and see all about it.
Oh Miss Ruth!
So nice to see your birdhouse in your most lovely, lovely garden! You certainly deserve the Award!!!!
Have a wonderful vacation!
p.s. I've started a new blog, but haven't announced it yet. It is
Your garden is beautiful, Ruth, (front and back)! And congrats on the yard of the month ~ I can see why!
Enjoy your vacation!
Absolutely beautiful, Ruth! Just stunning.
Thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your vacation!
Hi Ruth
How lovely your entrances are!!
Your garden is a delight
Have a wonderful break away and we'll look forward to your photos
Ah Ruth! those blue hydrangeas...the carpet roses...can I come and babysit your garden while you are away? have a wonderful vacation!
Oh Ruth how stunning your entry ways are....
I love the planters that Chris made for you ...they are so neat... what a fabulous job he did.... and of course your bird house from Michelle... so neat.... so pretty.... you hae a lovely home....
Enjoy your vacation ... have a lot of fun ... and take lots of photos.... cant wait to see them
I can see why you won this great award! I love that birdhouse too! You have a wonderful vacation.
Your garden looks amazing, Ruth. Have a wonderful vacation! xox!
Hi Ruth,
Have a wonderful vacation. Your garden is beautiful and I can see why you won the garden award - congratulatins on a well deserved honor.
How special that you have so many beautiful flowers to inspire your paintings.
I really enjoy your floral photos and the bird house is amazing! You have a gorgeous home and gardens. Have a fun trip!
Ruth I can see why you won the award " garden of the month!" Lovely each and every detail!
Love love the birdhouses!!
Thank you so very much for holding me in your prayers..love and light NG xo
Hi Ruth, I so enjoyed seeing your flowers. The planters are incredible with your mix of flowers and the bird house mosaic is fantastic. What a unique piece to have in your yard.
I am just wowed by your hydrangeas. Are they ever beautiful. I am babying mine along, and I hope they can look like yours one day.
I hope you have a great vacation, relax and have fun. Looking forward to your pics when you return to blogland.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful home and yard.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
Beautiful Ruth! Hope you are enjoying your vacation! :) Love the mosaic bird house..with the little tea cups~adorable! Your flowers are beautiful~I am a big fan of the flower carpet roses~I have several!! I am envious of your beautiful blue hydrangeas~awww they are I think my favorite of flowers~ if only I could get mine to bloom like that!!
Gorgeous Ruth! I love your home's entry! So many beautiful blooms!
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