I decided to have a very special birthday present created for myself this year and I contacted my friend Linda O'Neill over at Abby Creek Art:
http://www.abbycreek-art.blogspot.com/ to create the above custom portrait for me. Linda is an extremely talented pet portrait artist and she has just launched a new etsy site for dog portraits and prints:
http://www.abbycreekdogs.etsy.com/ .

Linda created the above portrait of Snuggles from this photo that I sent her. This picture was taken 14 years ago in 1995, just after Snuggles had his Halloween grooming and was looking quite dapper in his orange bow.

Chris and I had Snuggles from a puppy and he holds the destinction of being the first dog we ever owned together. When we were getting married my parents asked us what we would like as a wedding present and I knew beyond a doubt, we wanted a Shih Tzu. Weeks later, my parents arrived at our house holding a cardboard box which contained the sweetest little gold and white Shih Tzu puppy. From that day on, he shared our lives with us and brought us so much joy. Snugs is no longer with us, he passed away 9 years ago but to this day, he is never far from our minds or hearts. I have photos of him all over our house and because of that, every day I still get to look into that sweet little face. This portrait is a most special birthday present to myself...one Chris and I will both treasure forever.

In case you missed the portrait of my little Dudley that Linda painted for me back in May.....here he is. I hope you will stop by and visit her blog, etsy shop and website....she is a most talented lady. Thank you Linda!!!!!!!!
love the portraits
Long time no talk :) How are you?
Those portraits are gorgeous!!! She is so talented!
I hope you're doing well :)
oh ruth!
both paintings of dudley and snuggles are so magical. linda is just amazing!
your post brought tears to my eyes. what a wonderful way to cherish them both.
m & e
Thanks for writing such a sweet post, Ruth...you are too kind! I absolutely loved painting both portraits. Dudley and Snuggles were such delightful subjects to have around in my studio.:)
How adorable both paintings are Ruth! she's very talented
A beautiful special birthday present you've chosen
Oh how I love love love Lindas work.... she is so awesome ..... talented.... she is one of the best dog portrait artists every!!
Those paintings she did for you are amazing.... and the one of snuggles is beyond adorable....
Linda did a beautiful job capturing Snuggles sweet little face! Happy Birthday, it is the perfect present.
Both portraits are beautiful. What a great way to remember your little Shih Tzu, he must have really held a special place in your hearts!
Hi Ruth, What a beautiful portrait of your sweet Snuggles. He is a gorgeous Shih Tzu. The perfect gift to yourself for sure. I remember the one that Linda did of Dudley. Just as beautiful. How wonderful to own these from her talented hands. I will have to visit her etsy shop.
Thanks for stopping by. Have a nice weekend.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
What an absolutely fabulous portrait of your beloved pet, Snuggles, Ruth. We have had four cats here at Barleycorn and we still have the portraits I painted of them hanging in my studio, even though they are all now in kitty heaven :)
I have a special little video for you to watch, Ruth, at the link below.
How sweet! She's a very talented lady. We just lost our cat Callie yesterday and we're having a pretty rough weekend.
Both portraits are beautiful! Linda is very talented, I love her dog portraits.
Hi Ruth,
How special to have portraits of both Snuggles and Dudley. Thank you for sharing your lovely portraits and for introducing us to Linda's talent.
Have a lovely week.
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