I'm finally back again, atleast I feel that way....after 5 weeks of being under the weather with hives, a span of time I now lovingly refer to as "The hell of my life", I'm back to normal and feeling great. Feeling like myself means I'm back in the studio painting up a storm again, just starting to get things going by finishing a new contemporary multi-canvas tree-scape and starting work on more pendants. I'm trying at this point to get ready for the holiday season ahead, shocking to think it will be here before we know it. I started back to work with a custom Hummingbird pendant. This is one of my favorites, I love these beautiful birds and I love the colors of this particular pendant.

I have a lot of fun painting the abstract pieces......"Rainbow" above and "Pretty In Pink" below.

I've been having a great time experimenting with fused glass as well...."Nighttime Poppies" above is one of my favorites.

The onlyl part I have a horrible time with is the waiting period on each piece. The colors on the back and front are fused to the glass so once I create the background, I have to wait 24 hours or so before I can heat the glass. Do I always do this......No, not really, sometime I cheat and bake them ahead of schedule. I really need to force myself to wait though, as they come out better when I stick to the prescribed waiting time.

"Impressionist Garden" is above and this piece is "Blue Sky Garden" because of the blue background, it reminds me of a sunny day garden.

There are really no limits to the possibilities.....whether a garden in spring, like above or a custom order purple Thistle pendant below.

"Contemporary Tulip" and "Through The Trees" below are more paintings on sand dollars.

I hope you've enjoyed the new wearable art pendants.....everyone stay well and enjoy the lovely weather. Most of these pieces are now available on my ETSY shop at:
On another note, I would like to mention my friend Barbara Jacksier, who just published a beautiful book "Waterside Cottages" and launched a brand new website and internet shop at:
If you have a minute, stop by and say hello and check out her brand new book and website.
What a lovely art!!!! I like much...
I love your new pendants. I will be ordering items for Christmas gifts this year.
hi ruth!
oh i am so gald you are feeling so much better!
your new pendants are amazing!
have a super weekend!
Love them Ruth!
Will pop over to your website now
Ruth your pendants are scrumptious.... I love each and every one of them...
Glad to see you are on the mend.... I know its been rough on you...
As for Barbara.... it is a lovely site as she is a lovely woman...
Hi Ruth,
So glad to hear that you are feeling better. Having hives is no fun - especially during the summer. Your new pendants are lovely - each one is a little work of art. I plan to order some for Christmas gifts and was happy to hear that you do custom orders.
Have a lovely week.
Wow! In spite of your illness, you have managed to produce some really terrific pieces here. I am sorry you've been so under the weather. Hope that's all through and you're good as new.
So glad that you are feeling better! I am heading over to Ruby Lane...to see your beautiful work! : )
La Donna
P.S. Your pendants are beautiful, and I really enjoyed your friends new website!
Ruth ...as always, your pendents are gorgeous! I love the 'nighttime poppies' and the 'through the trees' is breathless. Though they are all equally beautiful ...these two are my fav's!
Hi Ruth,
Sorry to hear you have been to hell and back with illness for soo long.
I just love your pendants. The pink ones are my favvvorites.
I'll pop over now and check out that website.
They are ALL beautiful, Ruth! I really like that Nighttime Poppies one too.
So sorry you've been under the weather but glad you're feeling better. Did the doggies take good care of you? I'm sure they did!:)
Hi Ruth, I love your new pendants. Each one is special. My favorite is the black and white too. Is this in your etsy or ruby lane?
Glad you are feeling better. I had hives once and it was no fun. 5 weeks is a long time, so glad you are getting back to yourself.
I was able to find Waterside Cottages through my book club and it is on the way to me. YEAH!! can't wait to read it and add to my interior design collection!
Thanks for stopping by. Great to see you. I am back in the studio this week and just loving it!! Beazy at my feet and paint brush in hand!!
Happy Painting,
Hugs, Celestina Marie
Ruth, I'm so glad you are feeling better.....the hives do NOT sound like a fun way to spend the last 5 weeks of your life!
Your new pendents are, as always, beautiful. I really love the abstracts....very neat colors!
Have a safe and enjoyable weekend, and stay well!
Oh, I'm off to check out your friend's website...thanks for the link!
So glad you are well again, dear Ruth...:)
Wonderful pendants you have been creating... :)
Fancy a wee look at my pretty butterfly videos?
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