Sunday, October 11, 2009

Among The Branches.....

I finished this set of paintings after I got back from my trip to Mohonk.... I wanted Among The Branches to be a piece with earthy tones and lots of different looking textures.

It is amazing all the textures and designs you can create with lots of fun and unexpected tools. For instance, my husband's old shirt made its way out of the basement again to create the swirled blue and burnt sienna background.

I have to admit that instead of going for a clean piece of shirt, I reached for the paint encrusted piece I saved from last time. It was mostly stiff as a board but somehow it worked beautifully to help me create the background.

Luckily we have many more of these old and torn shirts in the basement as we like to use them to wash the car and any other wet and messy chores that come along. Anyway, a few cut pieces of shirts will not be missed but my paintings sure enjoy and benefit from them.

This painting is available on my ETSY site at:


Donna said...

What creativity! This is beautiful.


S said...

Beautiful! Its amazing what an old shirt can do :)

Anna Rosa Designs said...

Hi Ruth,
Your latest "Among the branches" design is great.
Love the textured background.
Thanks for sharing.

Gail McCormack said...

Hi Ruth

The shirt comes to the rescue again!

Adore the background colours - and of course the overall paintings are gorgeous

Poor Chris will have no shirts left the way you're going! said...

Beautiful colours Ruth! Rachaelxo

Archie and Melissa said...

hi ruth!
oh i love your new painting and your trade secret! you are so talented!


Charm and Grace said...

I love this... very French in feeling. It must be the blue and brown combination. I am catching up a bit... love the wooden pendants and of course your glass pendants I always find so beautiful.


The Painted Garden said...

Hi Ruth,

Oh my - as usual you have outdone yourself transferring your inspirations onto your beautiful canvas. Your art is lovely and I loved reading about how you used your husband's old shirts. Very original.
Have a great weekend.

Suzanne said...

Love this Ruth! There is detail with little abstract swirls....just beautiful, and I love the colors you chose!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful blog and inspirations.