I hope everyones holiday was a wonderful one......I really enjoyed my time away and it enabled me to accomplish a lot of painting, both jewelry and canvas work but I missed blogging and connecting with my friends out there in blog land.

I can hardly believe the holiday season is here.....(I think I'm in denial) I feel like summer just ended yesterday. I've been painting so many new pendant designs and having a lot of fun with them.

While I've painted a couple of glass and sand dollar pendants, I've mostly been running a muck with painted wooden pendants. They remind me very much of painting on larger pieces of wood, when I was creating welcome plaques, only these of course, are small wearable miniature pieces of art.

It is a surface that allows me to get really creative and try new things I might not have tried jumping into before. Some are impressionist in style like the one above, while others are contemporary or even zen.

I've added colored necklaces to some of my pendants to coordinate with their colors. This really makes the colors pop out like the yellow contemporary garden above.

This is the character for "Eternity" and I'm calling this one a zen pendant. I've made 2 so far but hope to create more in upcoming weeks.

Some of the necklaces, like the one above, have silver or gray beads added to them to create lots of sparkle and shine and give the piece extra dimention.

These contemporary white poppies are set against a heavily textured background, a technique I was experimenting with that I will definately repeat in the future.

I hope you've enjoyed the latest round of pendant creations, I'll be back later this week to show my latest canvas painting. These pieces are on my ETSY site:
http://www.artfulcreations.etsy.com/ .
Hi Ruth,
So good to see you back... I hope your break was a good and relaxing one. These pieces are just beautiful... really lovely. Of course, I love the jewelry you create because it is so beautiful and so unique.
Hi Ruth,
Oh no holiday happy snaps?
Your latest pendants are very bright and cheery.
Well done.
I've painted a couple but haven't blogged about them yet.
Hi Ruth
Good to hear you enjoyed your break.
I must say these latest ones are just gorgeous, special Christmas pressies they would make
Everything you do is exquisite, dear Ruth :)
You are a veritable hive of activity...simply breathtaking :)
Hi Ruth ...so glad to see you are back! Looks like you have been very busy. Your pendants are beautiful. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello and leaving such kind words. I'm excited that you purchased some knitting needles and are going to give it a try! Just remember, there are actually only two stitches in knitting ...knit and purl. Once you tackle those you'll be on your way!
Happy Creating ...Alice
Love these, Ruth. You have really been busy!
Welcome back...
Glad the holidays were so lovely for you.. and it looks as if the time did you good...
I must say that your newest pieces are quite lovely .... and will definitely make wonderful Christmas gifts for one lucky person
Hi Ruth...nice to have you back! Glad you enjoyed your time away. You obviously got inspired to create some really beautiful work.xox
Your pendants are gorgeous and very elegant! Love them all, Ruth!
What beautiful pendants Ruth! Just want you to know that you are the winner of my print giveaway and I need to know which print you want and I need your address. There is a link to my email on my blog. Congrats!
You were busy during your blogging break! The new pendants are gorgeous.
Lovely designs!
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
Hi Ruth,
So glad you enjoyed your time away and happy to have you back now.
I simply love all your creations. Each pendant is so unique.
I can see you are inspired!
Thank you for stopping by. Enjoy the holidays and see you again soon.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
Hi Ruth,
So nice to have you back. Your new creations are beautiful - each one is so pretty and fresh it would be hard to pick a favorite. I look forward to seeing your new creation on canvas.
Have a lovely week.
hi ruth!
oh your new pendants are simply gorgeous!
i love them all!
have a wonderful day!
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