I've been doing a lot of knitting lately....learning new stitches and designs. A great way to learn and a way that has been a lot of fun for me, has been trying different scarf patterns. I particularly love lace designs ......not only am I learning while enjoying myself but I'm doing something to cheer up the worst months of the year for me...winter. Making lots of fun accessories to wear with my winter coats has really brightened up my season quite a bit.

I just finished this beautiful multi-colored purple scarf that goes great with the new lavendar colored fleece jacket I just bought. I fell in love with this yarn the minute I saw/felt it. This lovely chanille was such a pleasure to knit with and it is so soft and inviting. I loved it so much that I recently picked up another chanille yarn that I'm working with now.

I also couldn't resist picking up some of this attractive, thin, multi-colored rayon yarn to make a decorative scarf with. I've got two projects going at the moment and so I've been dividing my leasure time between the two as I feel like it. I've got my eye on a beginners sweater that I would like to start on really soon. We'll see what happens with that one and what kind of yarn I decide on for my new cardigan sweater.
hi ruth!
oh my gosh!
your scarf is gorgeous! i love the yarn and your stitches are beautiful!
The purple scarf is so stunning! Wow, I bet it looks great w/ your winter coat! The color is so beautiful on your blog photos! Hope you can stop by our blog & say "hi"! Keep warm! Lynn
Ruth, your scarf is beautiful! Looks like you are really catching the knitting bug! I agree, working on small projects is a great way to learn new stitches.
It's so fun to see how your knitting is coming along. I do hope you share more!
OH Ruth your scarf is gorgeous!! I love the lacy pattern ... and the colors .... I dont think the photo does it justice... I can imagine what it looks like in person
I am so impressed with your knitting/crocheting, Ruth. This one is a stunner. You go girl!
:) Christi
Hi Ruth,
Your knitting is beautiful. I love the purple and the stitch design is one of my favorites as well.
I am so glad to see knitting and crochet back in fashion and artists interested again. It is so much fun and so addicting.
I know you are having fun and it is great how just one accessory, like a scarf can change the look with a coat and give us a lift.
I too am working on trying to finish a broomstick lace throw in crochet.
Thanks for stopping by. We are making progress and I am ready to be finished soon.
Have a great weekend and happy knitting.
Oh and I loved the pics of your sweeties and Willow in the darling sweater.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
Hi Ruth...your knitting is wonderful and the colors in this one are beautiful. It looks like you've been doing this for a long time!
Love the new sweaters from Melissa. Those baby dogs are stylin' now!
I'm envious, Ruth!! What a gorgeous scarf. I've been wanting to learn to knit for some time now. Love the colors!
The colors on this decorative scarf are GLORIOUS!!!
Of course, I always looking at your paintings!
Have a super day!
Hi Ruth
I love the color - sounds like you're got the knitting bug, they do say it's addictive. Maybe you could knit you're little doggies some winter woolies
Happy knitting
Hi Ruth,
Oh - my goodness - your purple scarf is lovely as well as perefect for the cold weather. Your dogie wearing his new scarf is adorable.
Have a wonderful week.
Love the colors you chose for your scarf...I think it will look great on you! I've never knitted, but thought I might try to learn someday...this may be the inspiration I need! :)
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