Two weeks ago Chris and I went to the annual orchid show at the New York Botanical Garden. The theme for this year's show is "Cuba In Bloom". I usually add notes under most of the photographs with display info and species names but this year I thought I would let the beauty of the show speak for itself. The information about this beautiful tower and statue is listed below on the blue sign....you can click to enlarge that photo or any other that you wish to get a closer look at. Enjoy!!!!
Just gorgeous! The photos are beautiful but I imagine it must be even more breathtaking in person. Thanks for sharing!
Ruth I am beyond speechless.... the flowers are breathtaking .... the photos ... stunning!!!
I love the tower ... and the story behind it.... you have managed to capture pure beauty .... how I would love to have an orchid garden like this
I am even more anxious now for spring to be here...
Hi Ruth,
Your photographs are beautiful. Thank you for sharing and taking us with you on your visit to the Orchid show. So much inspiration for future paintings. Your ad for Victoria magazine is lovely.
Simply stunning! Reminds me of the days we spent in Cuba admiring the orchids in their natural habitiat!
Happy Easter and many blessings too!
Oh, Ruth! Your photo's are just so stunning! I always love it when you have visited the botanical garden. You always amaze us with your beautiful photo's.
Pop on over if you can, I'm having a giveaway!
Ruth your pictures capture the flowers so well and I feel like I was there. Just beautiful and full of inspiration. I bet the scent in the air was amazing.
Thank you for sharing.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
Beautiful! Thank you for the tour! :)
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