Ideas for artwork and just about anything else can hit you at the strangest times, inspiring some unique ideas.

Today I was in the middle of an acupuncture session (for my allergies) and I was listening to the latest book I downloaded for my i-pod "The Secret Garden. " I am in love with the movie as well as the book and as I was laying on the table, resembling a well used pin cushion, an idea for a painting popped into my head.

The idea made me remember a really nice visit I took to The NY Botanical Rose Garden a couple of years ago, which you are seeing in these photos and of course, has now lead to this post on roses and my bright new idea for a painting.

I was actually planning so much of it out as I was laying there, a contemporary rose garden painting, perhaps with some birds flying about. After I'm done with the large canvas I'm working on now, I will give this idea a work out on canvas.

For now, the warm weather here in NY has inspired me to pick up and dust off a painting I have been neglecting for several weeks. It is finally done and now just needs to be hung on the wall and photographed. I'm also at the beginning stages of starting a very large canvas entitled "Stargazing" just to give you a little hint of what it might be about....for the rest though, you will have to wait for the photographs.
Like your idea for a new painting......I bet it will be beautiful! Loved the photos.......roses always remind me of Spring!
I cant wait to find out what you have in store for us... it sounds intriguing... your photos are amazing ... the roses so beautiful I can almost smell them... spring here we come!!
Looking forward to it all
hi ruth!
oh i cannot wait to see your painting!
your photos are always so breathe taking.
i love that your idea came to you on the acupuncture table. how fun!
m & e
Hi Ruth,
Oh isn't it funny how we are inspired by certain smells, photo's and scenery's.
Looking forward to seeing you newest creation.
Hello Ruth!! Beautiful photos! I am so dreaming of Spring, & the smell of Roses!! I too LOVE the Secret Garden! :) Look forward to seeing the painting,& star gazing...:)
Your blog is getting more beautiful by the minute!!
Hi Ruth,
Isn't is wonderful how the inspiration for a new work can come from anywhere anytime.
Lovely pics of the gardens. Those roses are very inspiring. Looking forward to seeing your newest creation.
Happy painting.
Hope your allergies are better! With Spring comes the allergies. For us too! LOL
Hugs to you, Celestina Marie
Well, you have certainly piqued my curiousity about your painting plans. The photos are gorgeous.
Ruth, you can definitely get inspired in some unique places! :)
*Sniff* Those roses are beautiful, can't wait to see your new paintings!
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