Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"Awaiting Spring" - Chickadee On Gallery Canvas & A Blog Spring Cleaning

I've been painting a lot of birds lately for a project that I'm working on and "Awaiting Spring" is the newest chickadee to be added to the collection. www.artfulcreations.etsy.com

I had one of those mornings where I thoroughly amazed myself today. You see, my blog has been looking shabby and neglected for quite a long time now, it was in a real state of sad disarray. There were widgets I wanted taken off, things to be moved around, added, it basically just needed a lot of help. My husband being the techie in the family, always does all these tasks for me after I make him a detailed list of what needs to be done. Lately he has been very busy and I have totally forgotten to write a list so these things that needed to be changed, just stretched on, undone, for weeks and months.

This morning though I sat down and went into the design area of the blog and to my great amazement, I saw all the things I needed to take out and was easily able to delete them. I also added pictures of Chris and me and our doggies and was able to successfully upload those in the blog sidebar as well. What I'm probably most proud of though is that I figured out how to add painting photos, make them clickable so they take you to my ETSY site and also add links to my website and ETSY site that actually work. I was also able to add a photo link at the top of the blog in the left hand column that can take people to Creative Connection licensing agency. I then realized all the photos and links I had made were right in a row, not where I would want them so I was able to click and drag them to where I wanted them. I then realized by hitting that magic little "save" button, all my changes would be happily displayed just the way I want them on my blog. Amazing!!!

I hope you have been able to amaze yourself today as well!!!!


heather @ whats blooming this week said...

Hi Ruth

Thanks for visiting my little blog project and commenting on my photos. Every visitor is truly appreciated.

Love you artwork - just this minute came back from my first acrylic class - nothing to compare to your work!!

Celestina Marie said...

Happy Valentine's Day Ruth,
Love your sweet birdie. I too have been painting birds and nests the last few weeks. Inspired for spring I think.
Your blog looks wonderful. I also made lots of changes this year. Love the pics on your sidebar too.

Hugs, Celestina Marie

Kristin Aquariann said...

Happy Valentine's Day, sweetheart! Lovely painting and good job on your sidebar. Please tell me you watched The Walking Dead last night! I even entered the sweepstakes to win the trip. *crosses fingers*

Unknown said...

Your blog looks great! See, you are multi-talented! Love your new work, your colors are so fresh and full of spring. kiss the babies for me and the pugs! xoxo

NeereAnDear said...

Well first off I love love love the new birds and all the work you are doing ... proud as punch .... its fantastic ....

Second .. how about them apples !! I bet you are just so happy that you were able to do all that ... nice when we accomplish something isnt it? Kudos to you my friend ... Happy almost spring!!


Miss Val's Creations said...

The blog looks great Ruth! I love your chickadee! I am really looking forward to spring.

The Painted Garden said...

Hi Ruth,
Your blog looks wonderful - good for you for making the changes yourself. I always enjoy visiting your beautiful blog and now it looks awsome.
Have a lovely day.

Marilyn said...

Hi, Ruth!
Birds are one of my favorite painting subjects also. Love your chickadee. I also love the Spirit Dancer....beautiful colors!

Mary said...

Ruth, thanks for visiting my blog! :) looks like we are thinking the same: chickadees galore! haha. Yours is beautiful- reminds me of a Boreal Chickadee. Great work, and beautiful blog- the changes you made are very eye-catching and I hope will bring you much Etsy business! :)

Memories for Life said...

Your chickadee is so cute...makes me yearn for spring even more!
And your blog looks great...very colorful!
I love when I'm able to figure out something new when it comes to my computer/technology :)

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Ruth, Thank you for stopping by again and your kind words. That crochet stitch is easy but lots of counting to do throughout.
So enjoyed viewing your lovely work again.
Hope you have a nice weekend. It is raining here. We need it too.
hugs, Celestina Marie

Megha Silvano said...

Your is so beautiful!

Found u through the blog team:)