Since I wrote last, I have finished another ceiling tin. This one I've entitled Brilliant Pink Rose because I really think it says..."Hey, look at me!) This particular bloom is maybe similar to some of the roses in your own yard, (well, when your yard isn't asleep for the winter but you get the point) it has just opened fully and will only be this way for a few days until it fades. The good thing about this particular rose is, it will never fade but will always be in full bloom.

I started out by sketching this rose one morning, again while sitting in my living room , having my caffeine fix for the moment.

I ended up painting the background a soft blue/white combination. I then decided I needed something more in the sketch besides the rose and leaves. I drew 2 buds as well as some thorny branches peeking out from under the rose. I felt this was just what I needed.

I also thought the edges of the tin needed a little something as well. I decided to make a frame of sorts for my rose. I painted the outside square a blue and white, the same as the background, the inside square is a soft lilac. When I was finished with this, I distressed each square a little by using a dry brush technique.

I was a bit too lazy this time to take "in progress" photos of my rose, I decided instead to just wait till it was totally finished before my camera was brought out. I really haven't had this much fun in a long time, being able to chart my own coarse and paint what I've wanted to create, has been so wonderful. The finished tin measure 12" x 12" and is available on me etsy shop at:
Hi Ruth, Very pretty! It's funny how "framing" something in, it really makes a statement. I do that with my tags too. I also did that in my living room where there is no architectural detail to the room. It sure made a difference. That one is on my blog list to post about some day. ~ Lynn
Ruth, this is so pretty as is the ceiling tin you painted for Kathryn. What lucky people to have these hanging in their houses.
Have you been to www.blotanical.com? You might want to have your blog listed there, since you write lots of gardening and flower posts. Just a thought!!
Another beautiful rose painting Ruth! I'm glad you're enjoying your freedom of choice painting, look forward to more creations soon. Loved the way you framed it in!
Really beautiful Ruth!! I love the tins you have found and I really like the rough edges.. and the way you also painted the border around it this time...
Cant wait to see more
Hi Ruth,
This one is gorgeous! I love the extra you added on the frame. That really makes a statement!
Hi Ruth,
They just keep getting prettier all the time!
By the way, thanks for your sweet comment on my blog.
Hi Ruth, this is just beautiful. The blooms look wonderful. I love the tin tile thing, I would love some for my house too.
Cheers. Coll :-}
Beautiful tins, Ruth! Your roses are just stunning.
Thanks Ladies...this was so much fun. I got really excited about the design as I saw it unfolding as it was being painted. I actually woke up at 4:30 in the morning one day and toyed with the idea of coming down here to work on it. LOL
Gail, you are so right regarding what you said, I really haven't had this much fun in a long time painting. I do enjoy custom orders but when you get too busy with them, and you have no time to do things that make you happy, it takes a lot of the joy out of painting. I really don't want to feel that way about my artwork, I want it to be happy and constantly evolving.
Ruth, your roses are growing..this latest one is so lovely!
Are you using acrylics for these on the tins? They look like a wash of watercolor, but I know you couldn't use w/c on metal.
Soon it will be spring and you'll be picking the real thing right out of your gorgeous garden!
Wow...this is beautiful! I love how the rose just pops out at you! It's so perfect with the ceiling tile...very tre'chic!
Hi Ruth,
Your rose is so beautiful! I love how you painted it. I always have a bit of a problem painting a rose.
Very nice.
Thanks Dorothy, Alice and Donna, I've really been having a blast. I'm excited to take my business in a new direction this year, the change will be a positive one for me. I keep bugging my hubby to get going on my new website soon because I cannot wait. : )
Dorothy, I did use acrylics on the tins. I make them a bit watered down so I can get a washy affect.
Actually, I love using watercolors on all kinds of surfaces, you would be surprised how many non traditional ways you can use them. Look in the watercolor category to the right and you will see my Red Dahlia watercolor on masonite board. I gessoed the board first and then when the painting was finished, I put a protective spray on top. I could have painted the tins with watercolors too, just would have had to gesso the tin, then add a protective spray at the end.
Oh, Ruth!! Simply BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! You should be so PROUD!!!!! WOW!!!
Ruth... I had to laugh about that comment you left on Melissa's blog... you sound like me ....too funny..I got such a kick out of it..
Hi Jo, ow my gosh, two of a kind, I guess that is what we are as far as the address book mess is concerned. You would think I would learn but I never do...I always think I should organize things, then I never do, it's just dumb.
Hi Michelle, thanks so much, I am very happy with this one. I'll be doing more big roses with other flowers mixed in etc.
Beautiful! It reminds me of fine china!
Sandra Evertson
Hi Ruth, you have done a beautiful job with this painting, so pretty! Alicia ~ time worn style
You've done a wonderful job painting this ceiling tin Ruth ! (I now know what it is ;-)) This pretty rose looks very much like one I grow in my garden.
I think this one is even prettier than the last! Beautiful as always!
Ruth...I came to visit and ended up in your etsy shop. I didn't know you painted gourds for birdhouses...I ordered one. It's for my sister's birthday in July, she will absolutely love it.
Hi Ruth,
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a message.
Looks like we share the same passion for painting. I love what you have done with the ceiling tiles.
Way back when I used to paint a lot but haven't done so recently. I love hearing how you think through your designs on your blog. It's very inspiring.
P. S. disk arrived. Gorgeous!
Thanks everyone for stopping by, I so appreciate all of your sweet comments.
Beautiful! What a clever idea.
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