About a month or month and a half ago, one of my Phalaenopsis Orchids started growing a spike. It had been a year and a half since this pretty little Orchid last bloomed. Just a few days ago, the first flowers started to open and they are so beautiful, with their pale white/pink colored blooms.

This is a miniature Orchid, meaning the blooms are miniature, it is called Rosy Tyke. I should be enjoying these blooms for the next two months as this is such a long blooming species.

I have 9 Orchids at home now and it is always such a thrill when I see a spike that wasn't there just the day before, peeking out, because I know in a month or so, I will start to have some beautiful blooms.

You can expect lots of Orchid photos in the upcoming weeks because soon I will be going to The New York Botanical Garden for their annual Orchid show, which runs this year from February 23rd - April 6th.

If you live in the area and can go or you are visiting, it really is worth a trip to the botanical garden, this show is full of Orchid eye candy displays, like you wouldn't believe. To see a couple of my other visits to the show, atleast a sneak peek at what I could fit into a blog post, go to my "Out And About" secion in the column on the right and you'll get to see some of my other visits.
This year while I'm at the show, I'm buying another Orchid to get me up to an even 10 and also a shirt from the 2008 show. I wanted a shirt last year and just didn't get one and once you pass up a shirt from the show, it is gone once the show is over....darn it, I regretted not getting one. I love to collect tee shirts from my favorite places so, this year it's a must.

For more information on the show, you can visit their website at:
So there is still hope for my orchid! It finished blooming about a year ago, and I thought it would rebloom long before now. I love orchids.....I envy you going to the show!
Hi Ruth
I love Orchids, they fascinate me, is it the unreal perfect look they have about them, not sure, something there that holds my interst though. Good luck with the show and hope you come home with a wonderful tee shirt, maybe for the next show you could design the tee shirt!
I now have two Orchids, one that is in bloom and one that finished blooming last fall. Now that I have read your post I have hope that I will see more blooms in the future.
PS...I tried to paint a pansy at my art class on Tueday night and it ended up looking like a old mans face....I need to pratice pratice pratice.
I have three orchids..though none have bloomed yet... working on more as I too have a fondness for them.
Yours are gorgeous Ruth... what do you feed yours with?
I love Rosy Tyke. What an adorable Orchid. The subtle pink colour is beautiful.
Oh, I wish I could visit an Orchid show like this. What fun! I hope you post pictures of your new #10 Orchid and your new t-shirt!
Oh how absolutely stunning! What a beautiful orchid! My hubby's grandmother always did very well with orchids. I'm afraid all I can handle indoors are Christmas cactus plants! =)
Hello Ruth
These are just beautiful!!!
Just wanted to let you know I have handed you an award...drop by to pick it up.
Lv Siobhan xo
p.s. I have a few suprises going on over my blog so drop by. xo
Hi Penny, there sure is hope for your Orchid. I find that they don't always rebloom every year, sometimes it is a lot less often. Two books that I have and highly recommend are: Ortho's All About Orchids & Orchid For Dummies. Also, if a plant doesn't rebloom in about 3 years, get rid of it. I read that somewhere and let me tell you, it is great advice. : ) I've thrown away quite a few that I could tell weren't ever going to rebloom for me. Life is short, only keep Orchids that flower. : )
Thanks Gail, I'll mention to them that you feel I should design their next tee shirt. ; ) If they have any questions, I'll send them your way. LOL
Hi Maggie, you crack me up, I'm sure your pansy didn't look like an old man's face. LOL Don't get discouraged though, keep practicing and all will be well.
Hi Jo.. in addition to using humidity trays on all my orchids, I do fertilize them with two different products. Better Gro Orchid Plus & Better Gro Orchid Bloom Booster. The bloom booster you use every 4th time you water.
Kate, Louise & Siobhan, I will definately take photos of the shirt that I buy as well as the plant if I end up buying one. It really is such a gorgeous show.
Lovely post! Pretty pics and a sweet reminder for me to visit the botanical gardens in Fort Worth Tx soon.
wow. Stunning. Like anyone, I've always admired the orchids but never owned one. I'm so intimidated by their regalness. Maybe I'm not worthy. Sigh, yours are therapeutically lovely.
Hi Ruth, Your orchid is beautiful. I have never tried to nurture an orchid but I do have a fake one in my bedroom that blooms all the time. :)
What a gorgeous orchid! You've obviously figured out what makes this one happy.
I'm so glad you came by Rosehaven Cottage so I could come over and visit your blog. I love the lilac and yellow rose border you have. Lilacs are my favorite flower with roses a close second.
Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
Oh, I'm just not a very good "indoor" plant person! Your orchids are just beautiful Ruth!
Oh Ruth I love orchids and yours is beautiful! I've tried and tried to grow them but just don't have much luck, I think maybe it's because I don't have a lot of light in the house.
Have fun at the show and make sure you get a tee shirt!
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