Do you remember this 11" x 14" watercolor?? I started it way back in November, got a bit side tracked with it ( I change directions so fast that sometimes I get whiplash ) and then went off to paint ceiling tins for a while, putting this aside to collect some dust. As you can see from the above though, I have finished it, just this week.

Here is what I started out with....some lovely rose photos that I took in my garden a few years back.

I never know what photos I will use or if I will use them, but it pays to save them all because then when inspiration hits, I'm ready. I decided to make this a pink rose, hence the color change.

I'm a huge fan of Georgia O'keeffe, I've fallen in love with her style and the beauty of all her floral works. Her work really inspired me for this painting and my Red Dahlia watercolor, which can be seen in the watercolor category to the right.

These of course, are just the beginning stages of the design. There really are so many steps and decisions to make along the way, that if I listed them all, we would be here forever reading this post.

I've got a lot more of the colors finished in this shot but still a lot more to do. This is when I really start seeing things take shape though, and the subject gets very exciting, it is starting to come to life.

A close up of the finished center of the rose. I ended up redefining and sharpening the edges and colors in areas that I thought needed it. When it was all finished, I had Chris spray it with a protective coating....it can now be hung on the wall as is, with the hook on the back, or put right into a standard frame.

I'll have to have my favorite webmaster put it up on my website this week. I'm glad I was motivated to pick it up again and finish it.
Last but certainly not least, you may have noticed my beautiful new blog. For this I can thank Sara over at Sadie Olive Design. She did such a beautiful job for me and was so professional and easy to deal with that she made this blog redesign a very pleasant experience. Be sure to check out all of her beautiful designs at:
http://www.sadieolive.com/ .
Everything looks so pretty, bright, and cheerful!! Nice!
Goodness Ruth, you really have had a revamp, everything looks wonderful!!!
Hi Ruth,
I love your new blog look. The slideshow of your work is great.
You are so talented!
I'm going to visit sadieolive now.
Lovely Ruth and you see that it doesn't matter that you sometimes do not finish things right away. Love your new blog look too.
Your new blog is so pretty. The watercolor rose is stunning !!!! I think I should give up on trying to do watercolor. Everything I paint looks like a blob of color. Right now time is against me since I have so many home projects on the go. Maybe this summer I'll sit in the garden and try harder with the painting. Your pink rose is inspiring me.
I love your new header, dear Ruth...very you :)
Your rose is stunningly beautiful..well worth finishing :)
Wanna come and join in the Hokey cokey? You will need a wiggly tail :)
Hi Ruth,
I just love, love, love your new blog....very nice!!! Congrats and that rose is amazing!!!
Love the new blog look and your website looks great! Chris did a super job. The Rose is beautiful by the way...worth the wait! xo
Loving the rose Ruth... one of my favorites so far except for that special one .... uh huh you know what I am talking about now LOL
And you already know what I think of your new blog... Sadie did a lovely job indeed
Beautiful new blog Ruth! Love all of the details right down to the pretty sidebars. And your roses are always gorgeous.
Hi Ruth,
Love the new look of your blog...it is YOU!
The pink rose painting is stunning. I too love Georgia O'keeffe. She was amazing..
Ruth I do remember your rose you were working on, it certainly has bloomed! I love your new blog look as I do your new website...I bet you feel truelly inspired now!
Ruth...your blog looks so beautiful. Very tre'chic. I love the background. and...roses of course.
Your painting came out splendid. I'm so glad that you decided to go back to it and finish it up. It's breathtaking.
I love, love, love the new look of your blog!!!! Pretty rose painting too!!
Hi, Ruth! Thank you so much for stopping by! Yep, that 2-1/2 year window has been sort of an attention span problem for me. With that many roses, you don't finish it in a week or so, and I'm not accustomed to my things taking much longer than that to finish. So I pick and poke a little, then tuck it behind the door for a few weeks (months.....years.......decades...). I will be very glad to have it done.
Your new website looks fresh and lovely and I can't wait to see all your new work!
Warmest regards, Ronda
Thanks so much everyone. yes, I am inspired by my new website and blog, it is very exciting!!! I'm glad you all liked the rose as well.
Hi Ruth
I love the rose! It was interersting to see the steps as you progressed. I love the colors too. My mother used to paint a lot of roses. Thanks for bringing back that memory for me.
Can't wait to see what you'll be doing next.
Rhondi xo
Followed the links Beachy's CapeCod Cupboard today and really enjoyed visiting your creative blog space.
Great painting post on the steps to build up a beautiful rose. All of your paitings are lovely.
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