My Iris collection brings me a whole lot of joy each year around this time. I've had this collection for quite sometime....they come with me wherever I go. When I moved last June, so did my beautiful Iris collection.

I actually had such a huge collection that I gave some away to a friend when I moved, I honestly had more then I realized until I started digging them up. I usually get anywhere from 4 to 6 blooms per Iris....it is quite a show of color.

This fall, I will be dividing them again and spreading out my planting area a bit. I have my Iris collection in my back garden as well as coming down the hill in the back, next to my driveway. If I divide them up a bit more, I'll certainly have enough to finish bringing them all the way down that hill.

I love them all but the Pink Bearded Iris are my very favorites. I love to go outside and stick my nose in those beautiful pink blooms. They have such a sweet smell, to me, they actually smell like Sweet Tarts.....remember those candies??? I loved those things and that is what my Iris remind me of, only they are a lot prettier then the candy, that is for sure.
Dear Ruth, thanks so much for the feast for the eyes...both the irises (which I adore) and the lilacs (what a nice surprise for you!) I planted some pink irises last year, but they probably will not bloom for a couple of years. At least that has been my experience. So it was really nice to see yours!!
Thanks Christi...that has been my experience as well...it might take a couple of years for them to get established, then they will start blooming for you. I love the pink as well, because they are rare...lots of people ask me where I got them.
I was wondering if I would have any blooms this year as I just moved everything last June and thought maybe dividing them would cause them not to bloom. They are rewarding me with lots of color though so, I'm happy to see they survived the move....probably better then I did actually.
Gorgeous photos! Have a lovely weekend!
Absolutely beautiful ! I hope one day to have a permanent garden... Until then I have my deck garden ... which is coming along beautifully... Lots more to do ... working on it... gettting excited.... each time I see a flower bloom or seedling comes to life...
your Irises are simply divine Ruth... lucky you!!
Ruth, Your iris collection is stunning! I really love them!!!
Happy Mother's Day!
Siobhan xo
Beautiful iris! I love the soft pink one! Join us for Bloomin' Tuesday and show us what's bloomin' at your house.
Your Iris are beautiful, they are one of my favourites too, so elegant and proud!
Those are truly wonderful!
Have a blessed weekend!
smiles, kari & kijsa
Ruth, What a spectacular Iris collection you have.
I started growing irises about four years ago but I don't have near as many as you do. I MUST find a pink iris. I love all the colors but pink always tugs at my heart. Thanks for sharing this gorgeous display.
I love irises, too! I used to have a nice garden of them! Now I'm reworking them, placing them in various spots in my garden, kind of starting all over again! Your photos are beautiful!
Everday Cookies
Hi Ruth!
Your Irises are amazing! Thank you for sharing them!
BEAUTIFUL Ruth!!!! I do not have Irises in my garden, but I do believe I need some! I know that they grow here, but I hardly ever see them in the stores.
Thank you for sharing!
How pretty! Your gardens must be gorgeous in the spring Ruth!
Hi Ruth! Your blog is soooo beautiful and your photographs are just lovely. I enjoyed my visit! ~ xoxo Joy
Ruth, your Iris's are beautiful! I just have the standard purple ones. Your pink ones are gorgeous! I loved Sweet Tarts!
Irises are one of my favourite flowers, Ruth. I love the dreamy watercolour mix of pastel hues. You know iris is from the Greek meaning 'rainbow' and Iris is the Goddess of the rainbow...and I always think you get a little piece of the rainbow in each one :)
Ruth, your irisis are beautiful!!! They are one of my favorite flowers and bring back memories of my grandmother. I'm hoping mine will spread like yours, wow, and you have so many pretty colors!
Happy day!
Love that Iris collection of yours. I was in France this weekend and saw zillions of Irises there too. I've recently started my own Iris collection and some are on my blog today.
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