Lots of new things bloomin' in the garden but I have to say, the most exciting picture I've taken recently was this gorgeous dragonfly above. I happened to be outside with the camera and just saw this little guy. I hardly ever see dragonflies never mind get a photograph of one. He landed on my Bearded Iris leaves and I knew I had very little time to get the picture I wanted. First I clicked away and came up with two, horrible and blurry photos, I was in a frantic rush...lots of cursing as well....then, one perfect, close up photo and just in time too because he flew away right after that.

My Perennial Hibiscus are blooming (all the way in the back) and the Black Eyed Susans as well.

I have 4 different varieties of Hibiscus, the lovely and delicate white/pink above.

A very pretty and soft pink that you see in these two photos........

I also have a lovely deep red but it hasn't started blooming yet.

Ah, the beautiful mauve color is one of my favorites. The show stopper of my summer garden has to be the Perennial Hibiscus, I look forward to their blooms each year.
Beautiful flower photos, Ruth! And I love your mini's!
Bunnies!! That's what's blooming in my garden this year. I wondered why my flowers were not taking off and seemed thin. Well I got to see last night. A tiny brown baby bunny having a snack. Too cute. He can have the garden! Your photos are beautiful! Mary
These are some really great photos. I love the dragonfly, but my fave's are the hibiscus. Really, really lovely. How do you manage to get that closeup to them... and to the hydrangeas so that you can see the petals within the petals? Terrific.
Curse words? You CURSED? I don' believe ya. :-))) Anyone who takes flower photos as sweet and fabulous as yours would surely not utter anything that would require one washing one's mouth out wish soap!
Awesome photos Ruth!! That closeup of the dragon fly is fantastic... you captured it with all its detail...
My fav of course the hydrangeas.... I need to get me a couple of those...
Hmmm maybe go on a plant trip tomorrow or Saturday out to the Berry farm....
I have a rental for a few more days .. might as well take advantage
The flowers are absolutely beautiful and that dragonfly was an amazing photo opportunity!
Your garden is beautiful! What a wonderful picture of the dragonfly. I have roses, lavender, zinnias and sunflowers blooming right now in my garden.
Beautiful photos for my cold wintery Australian eyes, I think the dragon fly would make a wonderful painting - is that what you had in mind Ruth?
Love the dragonfly, Ruth and the black-eyed Susans too :)
Wonderful photo of the stonecrop in bloom :)
Beautiful flowers, Ruth! The hibiscus would make a gorgeous painting.
Love the dragonfly photo!
Happy day!
Great capture of the dragonfly, and your flowers are beautiful!
hi ruth!
beatuiful flowers!
thank you so much for your birthday wishes! you made emmitt's day!
m & e
Your garden flowers are beautiful. Every day here something new happens in the garden. Don't you just love summer?
Gorgeous photos! You don't have to leave your yard to be inspired. We only have sunflowers, coneflowers, and a few hollyhocks left blooming in our heat.
the first photo is lovely, great green color all over, also an example of camouflage.
Oh Ruth, you know that i always love it when you post pictures of your garden. I have a Hibiscus called Lipstick Pink and it is in bloom right now. Hibiscus do very well here in the desert. Of course, my favorite is the Hydrangea as I cannot grow them here (too hot).
I hope you have a wonderful week!!!
You don't know how I envy you those hydrangeas! I planted one this early summer, and hope I selected a 'happy' spot for it so it will bloom and thrive.
thanks for sharing pics of your garden with us!
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