A view from above of last years Hibiscus stalks. I cut them down as far as I can and wait for the new ones to grow up and out shadow the old. Just today I noticed my Hibiscus are starting to break dormancy and in July I'll see.....

Hibiscus in full bloom, in all their glory.

Just breaking ground now.......

Black Eyed Susans and different colored Cone Flowers will be blooming this summer.

Threadbare Coreopsis seems to be getting taller and taller each day and soon.....

Be filled with cheerful yellow flowers.

Flower Carpet Roses in different colors have grown all their leaves back......

Soon all the blooms will emerge.

The inside garden shouldn't be overlooked either, just this week I noticed another one of my Orchids is in spike and in a couple of months I should have some of the beautiful flowers above. This photos was taken when this Orchid was last in bloom. It has the sweetest color and is one of my favorites.
In art news, I'm about 3/4 of the way through a new venture, I'm creating my first painting pattern packet. The painting itself is finished and now all I have to do is go through, make sense of, organize and transcribe all my notes (of course, this is the hardest part). I hope to be showing that packet and explaining what it is all about in my next post.
What lovely lovely flowers!!!
Happy May Day! The beautiful flora photos are perfect for the day!
Your new venture of a painting packet sounds very intriguing, Ruth. Lots of work, I'm sure!
You really do have a green thumb! I so love the Hibiscus and can remember the ones in our front yard.
Wow looks like the garden is making its way towards the sun.... heavenly!!
Your orchid looks so beautiful.... and I truly cant wait to see the finished packet product.... how exciting a new venture.!!!...
Hey Miss Ruth....is there *anything* you can't do???
Beautiful flowers, as always. Can't wait for the painting pattern packet!
Spring is my favorite season for we see more rebirths in all different ways! Animals having their young, birds flying around making their nests. (I have birdhouses on every post for them!) The trees getting their bright green coats, and best of all our perennials peeking out of the grown getting their first warms of the son!!! Thank God for such beauty...your's are awesome!!!
I stroll through my flower beds each morning to see what has changed and popped through the earth! I got so excited to see my first columbine bloom this week!
Hi Ruth! I am in love with your blog, your sweet Tzus, your love for art and your passion for flowers. I saw you on Linda's Abby Creek art blog. Sending warm hugs to a fellow dog lover and artist!
Hi Ruth,
Not only are you a fabulous artist, but you are a fabulous gardener who creates lovely paintings in your garden - can't wait to see everything in bloom.
Have a lovely week.
Hi Ruth, you have such a beautiful blog. I'm very jealous of your hibicus plants, they remind me of our favorite vacation spot, Kauai. They just don't grow very well in the Pacific Northwest, too cold!
Thanks for sharing Ruth! :-)
Hi Ruth, Your garden pics are gorgeous. My Hibiscus is all in bloom in a pot. I have to keep it from Miss Beaz as she likes to eat the leaves. I also have Coreopsis about to bloom.
I love the pic of your gorgeous Orchid. The color is lovely. You certainly have a green thumb and those wonderful pics of your 09 garden to follow.
Congrats on your pattern packet. I agree, the directions and steps are the hardest to do. Looking forward to seeing your project.
Good Luck in my Giveaway.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
Isn't it exciting watching the flowers come alive! Beautiful! I love the color of your orchid.
Enjoy your week!
What beautiful flowers! I love black-eyed Susans and coneflowers....some of my favorites. Thanks for sharing!
My Goodness Ruth there's a few inspirational photos for you to paint - I bet you have a wonderful Photo Inspirational File - the best thing being the Photos are actually your own and from your own beautiful Garden - just waiting for you to paint
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