I'm getting ready to plant my summer annuals out in my back yard so I went to the garden shop the other day and bought some Dahlias, Geraniums, Vinca Vines & Spikes.

There are so many gorgeous Dahlia colors to choose from, it was really hard to decide which colors to buy.

Who knows, I might be feeling another Dahlia painting coming on...........

I bought 26 Geraniums for my pots in the back yard, they hang from my porch and line the steps all the way down to the street. They do so well in the full sun back there and they are a favorite of mine each year.

I have purple, pink and white Climatis....the purple and pink should start blooming any day now but the white ones have burst into color already this year and are putting on a beautiful show.

I love Climatis, they are so beautiful and are such a happy sign of spring.

What I'm most looking forward to though are my Bearded Iris that bloom each May, they are one of my favorites in the perennial garden and each year I get so excited when I see them starting to bloom.
Hi Ruth,
Oh, what an arrangement of pretty flowers you have!
We are suppose to be having Autumn here but it already feels like winter. Roll round Spring.
Happy Painting,
LOVE the dahlias!!!
I too have purple clematis... it was a teeny tiny thing... and it just went crazy and is all abloom and growing like mad!!
Arent they fun?! I love them...
Yours are beautiful!!
Hi Ruth
All I can say is "I'm envious"
heading into winter here, not much colour around at all, although I plan to buy some pansies and other winter blooms to plant in pots...
Ruth, I have to say I'm a little jealous too! We are having a slow start to our spring, and I'm afraid to plant anything in the ground yet!
Love your clematis!! And ALL of your color choices for spring are going to be inspiration for more paintings! Happy planting! :)
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