Sometimes things in life need a closer look and when you take the time to do so, you can gain a better perspective on what you need to do.

I had hoped to be showing my newest painting on gallery canvas in this post but it just so happens that I had to take a step back and well, get a closer look at what needs to be done. This latest canvas is one of those paintings that I thought would be a piece of cake and would roll along quickly from beginning to end with no snags in between. I should know it by now, those are always the ones that end up being the hardest and the most work....just Murphy's law I suppose.

I actually thought I had this tree scape (with birds) finished the other day and then as I looked at it, I realized it needed so much more to be considered completed. Not wanting to realize this...(even though I knew it), I asked Chris what his thoughts were and he said " of course you need more birds, you know that." Well yes, I did know that but I just didn't want to admit it, it took asking him about it to get me to step back and take a closer look at this large piece of art so I could really let it sink in that nope......I'm not nearly done yet.

Back to lots of hard work on this painting.....hopefully in my next post I can show the finished piece.
Ruth, as always, your photos are superb!! Do you have a fancy camera? I ask because some people take the most gorgeous photos with relatively simple cameras. I don't even think a fancy camera would help me take good photos. :)
Hi Ruth,
Lovely photo's from your garden and great reference photo's for painting!
Arggh, Men, they always seem to say the right words!
Happy Painting,
Can't wait to see your new painting Ruth!
Ruth, your photos are gorgeous! Can't wait to see the new painting!
PS I've heard that my packages for my giveaway were due postage. Sorry for that I'll be sending all winners reimbursement for the overage! Ugh.... Try to do my first giveaway and look what happens.
The photos are beautiful, Ruth! I can't wait to see your new painting. Sometimes we struggle through certain paintings, don't we? I know the feeling.
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