The most amazing piece of artwork arrived at my doorstep this past Saturday, this gorgeous portrait of my little Dudley. This beautiful painting was done by the very talented Linda O'Neill over at Abby Creek Art:
http://www.abbycreek-art.blogspot.com/ .

You might remember some months ago, I took these photos of Dudley on laundry day. Every time I bring the sheets downstairs, I always throw them in front of the basement door so that the next one to go downstairs can load them into the washing machine. Dudley very frequently makes a bed in the sheets until they are brought down to their final destination.

Linda used my laundry day photos as the inspiration for her pet portrait.
Dudley looks like royalty! Great painting!
What a wonderful likeness! Look at those eyes!
Just adorable!
m ^..^
Hi Ruth,
So glad you pointed Linda out to me; what talent! And the photo of Dudley's face in the sheets is hilarious. What cute dogs you have! They make me smile. :) She is truly the pet portrait artist to hire! Kathryn
hi ruth!
i LOVE linda's painting of Dudley! it is truely magical!
Ruth, you are too kind and SO welcome! It was a pleasure painting Dudley. He surely livened up my studio!:)
How adorable your Dudley looks - Linda has done a fantastic job - I'm waiting for Dudley to jump out of the photo and give me a big slobbery kiss!
I am a major fan of Linda's work... and this painting is a tell all as to why .... ITS SO DUDLEY!!
Linda captures the true spirit of her subjects..... great painting!!
Hi Ruth,
What a wonderful portrait of Dudley! He looks so cute, and those eyes......(how sweet).
I am a big fan of Linda's work. She's a great artist.
Hi Ruth,
The painting of Dudley is adorable. Thank you for sharing and for introducing us to Linda. She really captured your sweet Dudley and is very talented.
Have a wonderful week.
Oh, he looks so distinguished! She did such a beautiful job capturing his expression. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Ruth,
What a gorgeous painting of Dudley. Linda captured every detail perfectly. Those eyes are beautiful.
What a wonderful gift from such a talent. I will go visit her blog now. Thank you for sharing.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
So so cute! My cats especially Paisley loves to cuddle on sheets that are on the floor...a bed unmade too..in fact if she's on the bed sleeping then...I won't disturb her to make the bed!!!
Only a pet owner understands!
The portrait is surely a treasure..the artist very gifted!
What a cutie Dudley is! Awesome pet portrait...Linda is really talented! Thanks for posting!
What an incredible gift for you Ruth!
Congrats! You're the winner of my giveaway. I emailed you and I have the announcement on today's blog post. ♥
How cute! Linda really captured Dudley's expressive eyes! What a wonderful keepsake!
Oh Ruth! Isn't Linda talented. Your little Dudley is so cute, what a great model she had to paint from! : )
oops, I wonder if I posted this twice!! This is awesome Ruth!
Dudley is so cute and Linda has done such a great job of painting him! she is so talented...
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